Just One More Reason To Love Rob Halford

Rob Halford of Judas Priest is The Metal God. Rob is lending his fame to helping rescue cats for a California shelter named Kitten Rescue. He's auctioning off his collection of cat T-shirts to benefit the Kitten Rescue as well. If you click the Blabbermouth link, you'll see some of those T-shirt photos. I have the same "HISS" shirt, ha!
Halford got to name a bunch of newborn cats at the shelter, too. Naturally they are all named after Priest songs. Meow!
Watch some of the little metal kittens on the Kitten Rescue live stream:

Reader Comments (4)
I wish he spent more time on good causes like this and less time reminding everyone he is the Metal God. His shtick has gotten a bit old. He is a true metal legend, no doubt. His voice ranks in the pantheon of metal vocalists. He is an absolute idol of mine for his and his band's contributions to the music I love. But . . . stop falling all over yourself pleading to get into the RaRHoF (perhaps your newer guitarist's take on the whole situation, no less the issues you, Ian, Glenn, and Jayne have with a certain KK, might rub off at some point). You are entering the final lap of your career and you should enjoy it. Then, with grace, go out on a high note. We all have the memories. And we thank you for them!