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Favorite Hair Metal Deep Cuts

This is a fun little article. Metal Edge interviewed Satchel from Steel Panther on his favorite hair metal deep-cuts. The list includes Dokken, Dio, EZO, Hurricane and Judas Priest. I can't say any of the choices on the list would make my own cut, but this is an interesting and varying selection, so I give mad props. The inclusion of EZO is really interesting. Click the link to see the list and give the article a read. It's a short one and it is fun.

Reader Comments (3)

Cool article but I would hope its tongue in cheek on his selections. If he's being dead serious, he needs to take a remedial 80's rock course. None of these tracks are considered "deep cuts" by any means.
April 19, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Much better deep cuts by these bands:

Dokken: Bullets to Spare off of Tooth and Nail
Dio: Hungry for Heaven off of Sacred Heart (and the Vision Quest soundtrack!)
Hurricane: Over the Edge off of Take What You Want
Judas Priest: Bloodstone off of Screaming for Vengeance
EZO: Million Miles Away off of Fire Fire
April 19, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Nicely done, Jeff.

One slight edit: I would add Dio's "Time to Burn" to the list.
April 22, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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