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The Most Unique Song I'm Listening To...

So I have a new hobby and it is learning Greek. From starting from nothing, I think I am progressing decently. I am going to Greece in October and I want to know how to converse a little. Plus, I just needed something new and challenging to focus on so I plan to keep up with my studies and really "go for it" where language fluency is concerned.

So Greek is hard and I am trying all different types of studying to integrate the language into my life. Enter... music. I can't really find any Greek Glam bands. There are a lot of Greek metal (especially black metal) acts but most sing in English. So the next best thing is pop I guess. So I set out to find a pop tune performed in Greek by a native speaker with a ton of views. I settled on Νίκος Οικονομόπουλος and his song "Βαλ' το τέρμα" which basically means "Put it to the max."

Nikos is very famous in Greece - he won a singing talent show there over a decade ago. So everyday, I play Βαλ' το τέρμα to get a feeling for the flow and pronunciation of words. This is definitely the most interesting thing I'm listening to these days!

Reader Comments (4)

Good for you, Allyson. If I had the time, I'd learn Italian and Spanish and French, maybe Japanese, or even Arapaho or Lakota. I'd love to travel and be able to go places not mentioned in a guidebook. Alas ... what's Greek for "I have no time?"

I absolutely love "Efige Efige" by Stelios Kazantzidis.It was used in a powerful scene in the final episode of the second season of The Wire, which is where I heard it. Don't know a word of Greek, but the melody is fantastic.
April 22, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterGogmagog
Love, love, love this sort of sharing. Never would listen to this sort of thing. But now I am, at least for now. That said, I have quite a bit of respect for Greece. After all, those darn Sophists started all kinds of things there. Protagoras and Gorgias (you too, Prodicus), I am looking at you!!!

Thanks, Allyson and Gogmagog! Love this site.

And, Allyson, I hope it is a lovely trip! I hope you share your experience after you return.
April 23, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
FYI, I went to Greece last year (both Rhodes and Athens), and most of the Greek people we came across spoke English pretty fluently. Some of the cab drivers didn't understand as well, but anyone else in the service industry, hotels, restaurants, etc....spoke English pretty well. The people were very nice as well. The driving in Greece is insane, especially downtown Athens. Narrow roads, and cars everywhere. We missed getting in an accident by inches about 10 times. Have fun!
April 25, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterGlamfly
Wow- good luck in your studies what fun!!!
April 26, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterTexjay

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