Skid Row Release 'The Gang's All Here' Video

"Created by fans, for the fans." That is how Skid Row describes their newest video. The clip is in support of the track "The Gang's All Here" from the upcoming album of the same name. I still think the song and album name is some subtle shade, but maybe I am reading too much into it. Then again, we are talking about Skid Row here. The guys know how to hold a grudge!
We are excited to announce the details of the BRAND NEW @OfficialSkidRow ROW video!
— earMUSIC (@earMUSICedel) May 25, 2022
Join the gang and watch the premiere of the official fan video for “The Gang’s All Here”
Created by the fans, for the fans.
Join the party: #thegangsallhere
Skid Row

Reader Comments (6)
Also a hijack.... if you guys like big boobs, animals, and rock-n-roll... i got chu
for the ladies, i don't have anything but blind old men and cross-dressers
enjoy! its good trust me
i also caught that "tricky lil vicky" line
As I mentioned previously, Rammstein are the band that people not in Germany seem to love (then I mentioned Laibach). Gronwall seems eager and happy (then I mentioned other things). So I guess this is me responding to you repeating yourself. All in good fun, mind you.
And, Jeff, I love your optimism. But (and here I repeat myself, yet again): this has the semblance of classic SR, granted. But it ain't. And you know that too. He hits too high vocally. They repeat too much (and SR did a lot of repeating) in the chorus. Sure, Gronwall gets to some points where you go ". . . Oh, yeah, oh . . . wait. What?" And I say that, again, noting that he seems eager to please.
Here's my thing: what is SR about these days? New music? Cool. Chasing the past? Hmm. If you now (before?) want(ed) to get past all the Bach stuff, why this? Why invite comparisons? Why not blaze a new trail? My knuckle-headed take? You are stuck to your past and know it. And you are fine with it. So are some of your fans. But you can't keep claiming cred and happiness churning out songs that, again and again, put you back in the same spot. And you can't keep cycling through singers, repeating your usual stuff, and then expect anyone to think that this isn't just another instance of you . . . looking for places to play.
Which is all good. Truly. But you don't say that. So just say it. And the next time an interviewer asks you about Bach, just say: next. That's it. Play the clubs. Live your life. And, for the life of you, stick with this guy. He has energy. He is fun. But he isn't Sab. Then again (I repeat), so too with Bach himself.
Was all that odd? Let me break it down: Gronwall is young. Skid Row and Bach are old. Bach is a narcissist. So, too, the members that control SR. If you won't play nice, stop (all of you), acting like dorks. Some of us would welcome you (with open arms) to a third or fourth slot on a festival date, if you could all act like adults. Heck, we would even welcome Gronwall playing tambourine, in his Oliver Twist cap, smiling wildly, and jerking about on stage.
once again I'm sorry.
You have an idea, you email her, and she decides if she wants to post it. Simple enough. And I said that from a place of respect too, because I think your enthusiasm for this wonderful music would translate well into stand-alone posts. Then we comment on what you have to say, period. I mean, I like reading your digressions. Obviously I do. I respond to them! I just think that some of them might deserve pride of place rather than hijack status.
And I know that Allyson is a gracious host. She, like you and me, loves this stuff. And she also probably appreciates it when fans of her site contribute to the site's history. I mean, it gives her a chance to relax for a moment!
Again, crued, sorry if I came off as being rude. I just think this site is awesome. And I think that different perspectives are a good thing. So I am looking forward to a post from Allyson that starts with "This post is from our friend crued . . ."