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Make Your Own 'School's Out' Jib Jab!

Everyone knows I love me some Alice Cooper. I always take note whenever I see folks on Twitter mention Alice. Usually, it's just reports of YouTube clips and the like but today I saw people posting "School's Out" Jib Jab videos. Apparently Bravewords posted about it earlier today, hence all the traffic.

Well, I remember Jib Jab from the American politics landscape of "long ago" when we could still have fun with one another over the different parties. Think of all the big-headed politicians turned into cartoons dancing around. The clips were so popular, they always made the news!

Jib Jab is still around and now you can make an end-of year or graduation themed e-card for that student in your life. What's better than setting some congrats to Alice Cooper?

I think this is my favorite Jib Jab of all time... from 2004!

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