James Kottak Swears He Wasn't Drunk At Sweden Rock Festival

The other day I shared videos of a horrible Kingdom Come set at Sweden Rock where drummer James Kottak couldn't keep time. It seemed like he was drunk.
Kottak says he fell out of bed before the gig and broke ribs. He admits to the timing being slower and said he was in excruciating pain. Maybe he was. But then why didn't the band get a fill in? Someone at Sweden Rock probably would have stepped in to help. It's not like there weren't a lot of professional drummers around. In the grand scheme of life, it doesn't matter. But still. Paying customers deserve better.
As you know or don’t I cracked/broke@ 3-4 ribs on my left side about 15 days ago…OUCH! I did have an off day at Sweden Rock! Thank god for Aleve! Thanks for all your concern @KingdomComeRock @mitchlafon @BLABBERMOUTHNET
— James Kottak (@JKottak) June 17, 2022
JAMES KOTTAK Denies Alcohol Played A Part In KINGDOM COME's Disastrous SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL Performance https://t.co/8k0eQSEBL5 pic.twitter.com/VrSc8VVJLo

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