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Tommy Lee Is A Teenager, I Swear

Tommy Lee, a married, middle-aged man, father, and wealthy drummer for a very successful rock band, shared a nude photo of himself on social media overnight. Dude is 59. Fans of Motley Crue are even older. Tommy continues to act like a teenager, so much so, that it is actually shocking to me at this point. Like, how can you just act that crazy for so many years? On a very busy news days, I guess this was one way for Tommy Lee to make himself "trend." Cringeworthy times a million.

Reader Comments (11)

that guy is nuts.
August 12, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Some joe clark will offer his son a pittance to post naked,too. He'll accept it, because he doesn't know any better. And it's better to be a influence than to be real
August 12, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
A friend sent this to me. I cringed. The guy is old and still playing the same game he played when it was interesting (or tolerated) to show yourself acting like a hose (pun intended) while also demonstrating that you have trouble with impulse control.

When your band is creaking its way to the finish line (going out somewhere that is not the top, even if you are selling like hotcakes in this market), you need to get extra hits to pad your account. Which account? Social? Bank? Who cares?

Sad. Really. Sad. Then again, not unexpected.
August 15, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
“Their fans are even older”

News flash: I have a student who is 17 and his favorite band is Mötley Crüe. That had nothing to do with me or his parents. He discovered them on his own a few yrs ago. I was in Cincy a few wks ago to see them and could’ve sworn that there were plenty of ppl less than 59 yrs old. Idk tho, maybe I’m completely mistaken? Although Tommy deserves a good bashing for this, I’m used to the Crüe being bashed on this site, even tho they’re the biggest Glam band of all time and glam wouldn’t had ever been the same without them. Never really understood that but I’m guess they offend “some” with their offensive ways/lyrics and well known sexual exploits. It is 2022 after all so not surprised in the least. Btw, & something to ponder, if you had a friend that had killed someone that was riding with them, in an unfortunate crash, would you hate that friend forever, after the crash? Just curious. Defend & bash away! 🤘🏼
August 17, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
You raise some points to consider, Bkallday. So I will.

"I have a student who is 17 and his favorite band is Mötley Crüe. That had nothing to do with me or his parents. He discovered them on his own a few yrs ago. I was in Cincy a few wks ago to see them and could’ve sworn that there were plenty of ppl less than 59 yrs old." And this has what to do, exactly, with Allyson's post or the other comments (mine included)? But see below for an interesting follow-up on this point.

"Although Tommy deserves a good bashing for this, I’m used to the Crüe being bashed on this site." So, yes and yes, and you do too. Not too sure how this really works. Then again, I often question you on things like this. It reads like "you should, but you shouldn't have." Curious.

". . . even tho they’re the biggest Glam band of all time and glam wouldn’t had ever been the same without them." They don't have to be the former, as that is an opinion, to be the latter, which is a fact. Just saying. But you can have that point, even if I, personally, find it a touch hyperbolic.

"Never really understood that but I’m guess they offend 'some' with their offensive ways/lyrics and well known sexual exploits. It is 2022 after all so not surprised in the least." This point speaks to me. Really does. Personally, I think some of their history is made-up, at least as exploits go and/or as relates to Sixx. But that is just my opinion, though you have made similar observations. Thing is, again, this post had nothing to do with that. It was about a 59 year old feeling the need to post a picture of weenus on the internet. And I did note that you rolled his age into your comment about MC's newer fans. Which I found odd, even if it was coincidental.

" . . . if you had a friend that had killed someone that was riding with them, in an unfortunate crash, would you hate that friend forever, after the crash?" Ah, the Razzle move. Good show, Bkallday. Good show! Thing is, they were both drunk. So that is a point for your (I think) point. It could just as easily have been Neil. Thing is, how does said friend act in the wake of his other friend's death? To me, that would determine how I would react to one friend being dead and the other being alive. Does that have anything to do with the original post though? Again, no. But I will add something anyway (since you were curious): I do think some of Neil's actions speak to a sense of regret about a host of things. And that suggests the pain he must feel, at least on occasion. But who are his friends now? Who helps him when he is down? Nick Cage? The guys in Motley Crue, LLC (of which he is an employee, earning a wage)? I truly do wonder who his friends are, given that you stress the recuperative strength of sticking with your friends (at least by implication) in that last somewhat rhetorical question. And I would ask you: if you were Neil's friend, and Razzle had also been your buddy, how would you respond to your alive friend Neil now? What would you say to him? I actually think you would be better to him than your post suggests.

See? I have no bash to cash. I really did find your post interesting. Hope you and yours are well.
August 18, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
"And this has what to do, exactly, with Allyson's post or the other comments"

Allyson said and i quote, "Tommy is 59 and their fans are even older".

She didn't say "some" and didn't even say "most". My comments were clearly made in response to her ridiculously false comment. It's all good though, I know how easily triggered she is when it comes to some things that the Crue is famous for. Which is obviously where this false notion comes from. And again, it is false and even you can't try to act like it's not, or act like there was any sort of misunderstanding on my part. This time she's absolutely wrong and you can't defend her.
August 19, 2022 | Unregistered Commenterbkallday
I can certainly see your point, partially, Bkallday. Most MC fans are younger than MC. Okay. Got it. Moving on.

But . . . you can't quote me out of context and then act like me (or Allyson) are ignoring what you said. My comment was in relationship to a very specific comment you made, which I quoted . . . and then to which I responded. Besides, 'one proves all' is a fairly problematic (and anecdotal) way to make your case, when your case, in that instance, was just to say most MC fans are not older than MC (see above, again).

And it is also the case that you wouldn't--and I sorta' figured you wouldn't--engage me on my four other points. But that's okay. This is how we dance. And I am fine with that.

So, was Allyson 'absolutely wrong'? No. She got one point a bit janked up. YOU WIN! Can I defend her? Sure. But she doesn't need me defending her.

I kinda' miss these exchanges with you. Always have admired your passion, even if I occasionally question your aim and your logic. Like I said, no bash in my response. None here either. You take care, Bkallday.
August 26, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I, too, know LOTS of young people (ranging in age from 10 to mid 20’s) into Crüe … The band is like a bad boy Journey, in terms of popularity among the younger generation, haha!!
August 28, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
As far as the d*ck pick goes … Drum roll, please …
August 28, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
What a d*ck!
August 28, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Well executed, Metalboy! Well executed!!!
September 1, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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