Live Aerosmith Is Back!

After two and a half years, Aerosmith finally performed live again. The band played in Bangor, Maine last night. The setlist was decent but it could be better with the addition of "Nobody's Fault," "Rats In The Cellar" and "Toys In The Attic." Seriously, how was "Toys" not in the show? "Deuces Are Wild" should really be in here, but maybe Aerosmith skipped it because I assume they play it at every Las Vegas gig and this one-off show gave them a chance to skip it. "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" should be banned but then the soccer moms and casual fans would be ticked. The most egregious omission from this set? "Last Child" for sure.

Reader Comments (1)
But if not for "soccer moms and casual fans" a lot--and I do mean A LOT--of these bands we love (and some that we don't) would not be touring, or doing as well (relatively speaking, as some are doing really well and others are doing okay) as they are right now.
And many of those "moms/fans" could care less who is up on the stage, how they sound, what they have done recently (or even in the past, in some cases). But they buy the tickets. They hoot and holler.
The fact that Aerosmith is a somewhat functioning unit right now is what is amazing to me. Clock's ticking.