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'Back In The Day' - New Bret Michaels Single

Bret Michaels of Poison has been teasing a new song for about a month now and today it is here! The track is called "Back In The Day" and it's a party-driven love letter to our beloved Glam heyday. Bret is doing a ton of press for this song, so say what you will about him, but he does work to keep up the mantel of party music.

There's also a Facebook live event with Bret tonight, if that is your sort of thing:

Reader Comments (8)

I guess it depends on what you mean by 'party music'.

I am not sure that this song is "a party-driven love letter to our beloved Glam heyday." Is it a song? Sure. But he sounds constipated. It sounds, to be fair (and I know you all know I am not a big fan of him or his band), forced.

And him promoting it for so long? Well, there is a plus and a minus to that. Sometimes, the wait is worth it. Sometimes, the hype is just that, hype. Staying in view. Getting clicks (sigh). Need to keep the brand out there. Where? You tell me.

Does this song feel like a party to me? Nope. It feels like a product. I'd rather go down to Cabo Wabo (and you all know me!) than hang loose with horse-hair. Sorry. Just stating my opinion.
January 19, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Well, that's 48 seconds of my life I'll never be able to get back. I would have bailed sooner, but I thought maybe the chorus would improve things. It did not.
January 19, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterGogmagog
Horse hair?!?! That’s awesome Him
January 19, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Thanks, Kixchix!

I get it. Some guys really, really, really hate that they are losing or have lost their hair. It is an ego thing, I guess? And I know many of our favorites were already adding extensions and weaves into their domes way back in the day. Others opt for a modified look, with the bandana and/or the hat/cap covering up the shiny part.

But, when do you just say "it is what it is"? I also understand that it is about image (still an ego thing, I think). Will they not love me anymore? Methinks, as a bald nobody, that you really have to ask yourself this: if your fans stop liking you because you are a bald, especially older, male, what does that say about them . . . and perhaps you?

And, to be clear, everyone is entitled to do what they want. Comb-over? Go for it! Hair system? Why not, when you can even comb and cut it! Even a nice wig from Morrie's? Wear it like a crown! But in an era of body positivity, why not just be you? Heck, our favorite fan of Putin, Joe ("Don't call me Lynn") Turner, is even dipping his toe into that arena, after years of ass-hats mocking him . . . for having alopecia?!?! Clearly not fans if they were/are doing that.

Final two notes: I realize that calling him 'horse hair' is a bit of me not doing what I am saying. I also recognize that, in spite of the gender fluid world we now live in, baldness for women is a different case/issue, with a far different (and I would guess, greater) set of pressures.

But the song? Baldly, blatantly, bad.
January 20, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I liked this theme better when Kid Rock ripped off the classic Lynyrd Skynyrd riff for All Summer Long.That was quite catchy. This couldn’t catch flies even though it’s a steaming pile of shit.
January 20, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMr Peterson
Here's to you Mr. Peterson! Whoa, whoa, whoa (I think I skipped a line or two).

Catching an oldie vibe while sampling? Sure thing. I mean, it is baked into the song. Walk this way isn't just a great line from Young Frankenstein.

But, Kid Rock also gives off a whiff of old school vibes that are decidedly not cool. I mean, it is fine to be against things. But when you have to YELL to SELL you are likely treading water while your brand tilts towards the lowest, and I do mean lowest, denominator.
January 21, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Well, I love me some Kid Rock & I don’t gaff about his politics or wtf he believes in. I don’t care if he thinks there is some great all knowing orb type creature way up in the sky, ruling us from afar. I don’t gaff if he supports Satan, the Russians, Trump, or Steve Irkel. I like his music and will continue to support it! Give em hell, Kid!!! 🤘🏼
January 22, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Like I said, bkallday. Like I said.

And, when you get back from England, drop me a note. I'd love to gaff about quaffing.

Keep calm and be BKALLDAY STRONG!

I kid. I love your posts. You often make my day.
January 26, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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