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Happy World Introvert Day!

Contrary to popular belief, you can be a famous musician and also an introvert. As an introvert myself, I relish the day of recognition that folks like me are not weird, mentally ill, stuck up or anti-social. Introverts just experience the world much differently than extroverts.

Some of my favorite musical introverts are below:

Freddie Mercury - yes, he had an unbelievably huge stage presence. He also loved to be left alone with his thoughts and his cats. (One of my favorite hobbies is taking a nap with Roosevelt, my cat).

Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. Wilson also wrote Pet Sounds, the best rock album of all time. I said what I said. (Aerosmith Rocks in still right up there, though!)

Eminem is a lyrical genius - as a shy, quiet kid, he would spend hours reading the dictionary as a way to work on his craft. Introverts often have a wicked, dry sense of humor - and Eminem does too, it seems!

Reader Comments (1)

As with many things, I tend to think there is a range when it comes to these sorts of designations. But categories make people feel like they 'fit' and that is a net positive too.

Can an introvert be extroverted? Sure. Reverse that? Sure. I'd be boring you to suggest why I actually think that is the case (and note that I am not saying in _all_ cases) oftentimes.

What I find funny is a day dedicated to celebrating a tendency not to want to be out there, in the public, doing stuff in front of a lot of people. But good on Jenn for hash-browning it for all to see (I think that is the wording). If I had one small quibble with Jenn's effusive celebration of not causing a ruckus . . . to cast creativity as either/or (she implies this) is to also miss the point about creativity more generally: it resides in a lot of places. And, while I always love Allyson's take on things (even when I disagree), you run the risk of creating a 'tortured genius' category for talent . . . which there might actually be. But there are also a lot of fun loving extroverts who made a splash. But that gets into the whole 'person vs. persona' thing. And, like I said, I don't want to bore you.

Cheers everyone!
January 5, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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