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Now You Can Order Iron Maiden Royal Mail Stamps

The UK is Metal, man. British heavy metal icons Iron Maiden are now featured on Royal Mail stamps and you can buy some as a collector's item. In the past, you could buy American stamps featuring Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Elvis.

Pink Floyd, Queen and Led Zeppelin have also been featured on Royal Mail stamps. Completely fun!

Reader Comments (7)

Fun little purchase. Just ordered mine. The Royal Mail has a shopping section like a rock site! Imagine that? And the options are quite wide-ranging as well.

And it was a whole lot cheaper than trying to buy those commemorative AC/DC coins from AUS!?!!? I saw the cost and went . . . nope.
January 6, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
up the irons!
but kinda strange they picked some gig photos from non-british territories.
January 6, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Noticed that too, Stu. Perhaps that has something to do with Royal Mail? Who knows? Then again, non-British territories are becoming more and more of a thing.

I kid. I love empires (on the rise, in decline, etc.). I also like Queen, King Diamond (in small doses), and the album Empire. I'll stop flogging molly. Don't want to step on someone's third rail.
January 7, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
You navigated the apple and pears Him, and managed to mind the gap.

My dad's a big philatelist, but these stamps would not be his scene. I like them, and the previously mentioned Queen collection.
January 7, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterLondon
Geezus, they’re now officially rivaling in the Commemorative Crap category!

Beer’s one thing but this is taking it to a whole other level of idiocy!
January 7, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Rivaling Brett Michaels, that is!

Just like I’m rivaling the redactions in the public release of Trump’s tax returns!
January 7, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
That made me chuckle, London. Thanks!

Metalboy!, ease back into it. You have been away for a bit. Slowly, slowly, slowly regain those special skills that always kill on here.

Royal Mail. Not Maiden. Collaboration. Maiden. Not Michaels. Nowhere near him in fact: in terms of output, legacy, and impact. Facts are facts. These are my opinions. But they might be factual.

But keep swinging. I love hearing what you have to say. There are no Wasted Years when Metalboy! is back.
January 12, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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