'Eye of the Tiger' Trends For The Wrong Reasons

So "Eye of the Tiger" was trending earlier today, presumably because Nikki Haley announced her run for President. So she used the song at a campaign rally, just like so many other politicians before her. So whatever. The song should be trending because it is flat awesome - and the album of the same name is too, from one track to the next.
I found a copy of Survivor's Eye of the Tiger on vinyl a couple weeks ago at a local antique store. The vinyl is in really great condition and it was like $12.
I feel like Eye of the Tiger has one of the best covers ever, especially if you love the Cincinnati Bengals like me! The cover looks like it could hang in Paycor stadium for goodness sakes. Plus, Eye of the Tiger is severely underrated as an album. Yes, the title single is amazing. I mean, it was used in Rocky for goodness sakes! So many of the songs on Eye of the Tiger are filled with great hooks. Yes there are synthesizers that some would say make the album dated, but these sort of make me love the songs even more. Songs like "Children of the Night" are classic to me.
Nikki Haley Plays ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ To Kick Off Her Presidential Campaign. That Could Be A Problem. https://t.co/MSTmaQ1YKI pic.twitter.com/PV3j3xfqUj
— Forbes (@Forbes) February 15, 2023

Reader Comments (11)
:Let's just suppose for a moment that there are some people out there that find Haley an interesting candidate. You do you, right? And let's further suppose that they like the song. Good on them, right?
It can also be--and, I have to assume is, given the above--the case that people like the one and not the other, or the other and not the one. Also good, methinks.
None of these are wrong reasons. They are _just_ reasons, which you or I or someone else might not like. But wrong? What if a Haley fan never heard the song before and turned out to like it. So, a new fan of a great (at least to some) song. Is that wrong?
I guess I like stoking the fire, but occasionally get a whiff of smoke that is just too acrid for these tender nostrils of mine. Why? Because we can debate all of this stuff, and do so with vigor. So let's do that instead.
Oh. Isn’t there a toxic accident going on in Ohio?.?.?.?.? Figured I would report it. CNN minimal coverage . Fox covering. Just to throw the issue in the lefts machine. Each machine keeps chugging along.
Peace and love
And I will repeat a quote I have used here often, esp. when I duck the topic of politics, which I do. Take it away, J.S. Mill:
"He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion... Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them...he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”
To my mind, no side has a stranglehold on the truth, nor the lies. And the corps that funnel that stuff into our marbles have a vested interest in particular spins because those spins make them money. So, while we are all being A/B tested by our pocket robots and the interwebs, we can also easily slide out of that nonsense and get comfy in our tranches.
Funny things is, I think I agree, in part, with both bkallday and Kixchix (and Eddie). And that isn't a bad thing, really. Person I don't agree with? Med-less Fletch, out waving soup cans at passing cars while his stroller sits there, stuffed with coupons from stores that closed a long, long, long time ago. But, again, you do you, Fletch.
Second, you're not the first to disagree, nor will you be the last.
at least I did it
You have a lot of nerve.
To sleep, perchance to dream.
I do have a lot of nerves. We all do. That's kinda' a thing with humans.
Not sure what you did, or with what I might disagree (aside from what I noted above). But you do you.
And sleep? Good idea. Get some rest. Come back when you are in the right state of grace. Besides, you left off the good bit that comes next in _Hamlet_:
Ay, there’s the rub!
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
But that is some dark stuff, Fletch. Dark stuff. Be good to yourself.