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T-Pain Covers Black Sabbath - And Kills It!

T-Pain, the rapper known for using auto-tune and making big hits, is back with a new kind of album. His new effort is called On Top of the Covers and features songs by Black Sabbath, Journey, Frank Sinatra and more.

T-Pain's version of "War Pigs" is downright amazing. I already knew T-Pain could sing. He even appeared on The Masked Singer and won his season.  T-Pain became famous for tracks like "I'm 'n Luv (Wit a Stripper)" and "Low" (Flo Rida's debut). He made a lot of money with Jamie Foxx on the song "Blame It." That track won a Grammy and he has another one for the song "Good Life."

T-Pain's finest moment might be his cover of "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath. I'm serious here. It's so freaking good and pays mad tribute to the original. T-Pain has a truly beautiful voice. I hope Ozzy Osbourne and the gang get to listen to this one, too. Seriously - give it a chance! 

His promos for the album are hilarious, too!


Reader Comments (5)

Ok. I gave it a chance. What I don’t understand is how can we know he has a truly beautiful voice if he uses auto tune?
March 18, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
I think Kixchix and I are seated next to each other, eating popcorn. Now, she might slap my hand when I say the following.

I like the shimmering intro, all retro-psychedelia. I hear less auto and more overlay. And I even like his yelps and hollers. They add something new. It actually has a kinda' Living Colour feel to it.

But, thing is, what does this add to the original? Some interesting nuance and shade. So, I am okay with it. I just wish the drums didn't sound like they had clacked (is that a thing?).

The fact that he might bring some to the BS table is a blessing to me. That this cover is true to the original while being solely its own thing is my form of praise.

Kixchix, we are still friends, right?
March 19, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
creative? sure. but not my bag. just way too much going on there. it’s like different people are in charge of different elements within the song and they are fighting to be heard.
March 19, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Him. Why not? Lol I don’t flog peeps for liking art. I good. We good.

Art is a silly and very necessary way to ease the brain. Vital. Telling me what is good or bad or what IS art is when I get cranky
March 19, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
We are kindred spirits, Kixchix. Truly! Hope you are doing well.

And I hear you too, Stu. It is a sampler of a cover, which I suspect comes down to how this artist makes music as much as it does to anything else. Not interested in anything else I have heard from him. So that is saying something. And, again, if this gets some interested others to listen to BS, I think everyone wins!
March 20, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHiim

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