'RATT: The Atlantic Years' Coming To Vinyl

RATT will released a limited edition set of The Atlantic Years boxset to vinyl on June 9. The set came out on CD a couple years ago. This means five albums remastered to 180 gram vinyl.
The albums in the set are Out of The Cellar (1984), Invasion of Your Privacy (1985), Dancing Undercover (1986), Reach For The Sky (1988) and Detonator (1990). You can pre-order the set by clicking the picture - it's $200.
RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! @theRATTpack STEPHEN PEARCY has another reason to take his 1980’s “Sunset Strip Experience” Tour 2023 out to the Ratt fanatics. The NEW BOXSET at https://t.co/eHpkbH2zYG The founder lead singer songwriter STEPHEN PEARCY is out on tour #2023-2024.
— STEPHEN E PEARCY (@StephenEPearcy) April 8, 2023

Reader Comments (3)
but seriously, i wonder how many of these vinyl sets they really produce (and sell).
Thing is, Pearcy seems to have all his marbles back in place as of late. He was never a good singer. He isn't now. But he isn't doing bad with his band (esp. compared with some). So I give him a bit more of a pass than you do. And a reunion with the remaining members? Not likely to move too many needles these days. Those metal festivals of yore (I mean, ten or so years ago) are a sweet dream. But fans seem to be enjoying him out and about, sober, and playing. Isn't that a good thing? And he and Blotz are now talking. Also good. Slamming on some of the fill-ins during the leaner years? Not so good. Not traveling around as Ratt with _that_ guy., who others said was poison? Also good. But, then again, we don't get the head-scarf, the dance moves, and the desperation. Good too, I guess?
Albums, though? They have their place. And some of them, which I have mentioned previously, are quite amazing. Interesting note: many of them come with digital downloads too (some in mp3, others even in FLAC, versions). Another thing to note: wait. Like all things, after a few months, the prices drop. Yes. vinyl is a nostalgia trip for those who want it. But it isn't all that bad. And hating on it, or those who want to use it, doesn't make a lot of sense. Why? If you are supporting metal, what is the issue? And, to be snarky, Stu, many of those legacy acts and a few of the new ones, also release on cassette too. So everyone wins!
Oh, and there are still CDs and digital streams too. So, don't worry, Dale. Your coin purse isn't compromised! Just kidding.