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'Shot Of Poison' Is Lita Ford's Best Song

"Shot of Poison" is Lita Ford's best song. Fight me if you disagree! Most people think "Kiss Me Deadly" is her best track but I prefer "Shot of Poison."

For my money, the track is way more catchy and rocks harder. I actually wish Hair Nation played the song more.

Reader Comments (6)

Allyson, are you trying to penetrate my tinfoil hat? The darn song just played on Sirius/XM!!! And they played the Ozzy duet an hour or so ago (they are nothing if not repetitive). Then again, for some reason, they also just played WASP's "I Wanna Be Somebody." As I have said before, they have access to deeper cuts and could play them, rather than putting them in the 'deep cuts' app silo.

I tend to agree with you on this one. And, to be perfectly honest, her musical career is spotty at best, with several high points, several hidden gems, and a lot of filler that I suspect was foisted on her by those who were 'managing' her image. When you compare her career to Jett's, it is sorta' amazing the divergence, esp. considering the fact that the latter made her bones on a lot of covers. Interesting, too, that Jett and her manager/handler won't go near Ford (and likely helped scuttle a Runaways reunion). Then again, Ford gives off strong 'hints' of having issues, or at the very least being a bit tricky to work with (esp. in these later stages of her career). And the sad details of her personal life don't necessarily help either.

More generally, I feel for all those metal rockers who were females back in the 80s. They had to put up with far more than their male counterparts, even when they oftentimes had more talent. But that is a sad song that extends beyond the realm of metal, or even music. I'd like to think that is changing. And I think it is. But change sometimes comes at an excruciatingly slow pace, esp. when it comes to matters of equity.

But, yeah, I agree, Allyson. That song does rock!
July 15, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim
guess we’re fightin’ then. “shot of poison” isn’t even in the top 5, not even the best on that album (but close there). i’ll take “can’t catch me” any day. or “aces & eights.” or “hammerhead.” or “gotta let go.” or …
July 15, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Give me the Hair Nation Deep Cuts on the app any day of the week over regular Hair Nation. Since I discovered the Deep Cuts channel, it's been on all the time. Granted it can get slightly repetitive but nothing like regular old Hair Nation. And yes, Shot of Poison is Lita's best song by far.
July 15, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
There's a good reason, I think, why you all like this song so much. It was co-written by Jim Vallance. He is one of the all-time great songwriters, IMHO, and not just for his work with Bryan Adams. He wrote or co-wrote with seemingly everybody in the '80s ... Heart, KISS, Scorpions, Quireboys, LA Guns. Even Glass Tiger!

Here's his entry on the songwriting session that produced "Shot Of Poison"
July 15, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterGogmagog
Lita Ford is kinda like Doro imo, they’ve both always rocked! 🤘🏼
July 15, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
These posts are a great reminder why I love this site.

Stu, you got me thinking. "Gotta Let Go" is certainly a contender. Thanks for the reminder. But, if you want a fight, I am game. Thing is, I am betting against myself! Best to know your strengths!

Jeff, if I had the option, I would listen to Deep Cuts all the time over Hair Nation. Thing is, I primarily listen to Sirius/XM on my TV and in my car. And my cell plan is a money-drainer if I am using the app.

Gogmagog, that Vallance blurb is incredibly funny and informative! Rita Ward? Hahaha. And I found his final comments telling: "Our second session was unfocuessed [sic] and unproductive, and no songs were written or completed." As I intimated, there is something up with Ford, or several somethings. Too bad too. Thanks for sharing.

And, bkallday, I have to agree with you as well: Lita and Doro both rocked. I just wish the former, like the latter, could recapture a touch of that magic they had back in the day (esp. the "All We Are"-era Doro/Warlock! Glad they are both still around though, making music and touring.
July 16, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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