Yet Another Band Covers 'Rebel Yell'

So this just happened: Queensryche released a video for their cover of the Billy Idol classic "Rebel Yell." The song is on the album Digital Noise Alliance. I always think it is interesting when bands choose to cover such incredibly iconic songs. Especially "Rebel Yell" which has been covered to death.
Look, there's no doubt Todd La Torre can sing. Of course he sounds good here. I just think this was an odd choice for the 'Ryche. But that's just my opinion of course. What do you think?

Reader Comments (1)
My buddy, Rob Metal (haha!!), grew up with Todd in Orlando and on the news La Torre went to Queensryche, Rob told me Todd can sing his arse off, boy, was he ever right! … When I saw ‘em on MORC several years ago, he just killed it.
What’s more, he’s a nice guy! … He made the effort to come see TUFF on the cruise at like 10:30 in the morning and was really engaged with the band and members of the audience … Just a real cool cat having a good time, ROCKING the boat in a really positive way.