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Lzzy Hale Rocks With Skid Row (There Was Never Any Doubt)

There was no doubt, but the videos prove it: Halestorm frontwoman Lzzy Hale rocked her gigs fronting Skid Row. Moreover, her vocals just prove how amazing Sebastian Bach was back in the day, recording the tracks. Hale worked her tail off to hit every note and she's got a great range! Bach hit the notes in "I Remember You" with ease and it is just a testament to his rare gift.

I wish these videos were pro-shot - I'm greedy like that and I want to hear Lzzy better! There are a couple more dates left - maybe one of those will be pro-shot.

Here's "18 and Life" - did I mention Lzzy looks fantastic too?

A little Halestorm live, just for fun:

Skid Row, "I Remember You" live in 1989:

Reader Comments (4)

pretty impressive. but it’s weird to see her moving around on stage without a guitar and just singing.
May 21, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterstu
Lzzy kicks ass! I only wish she was singing when we saw them early on in the tour. And yes, Lzzy looks great!
May 21, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterEddieLongHair
And as a side note, Allyson, I agree. Pro shot video would be great and give us much better audio. But, I have to say it's not bad for an amateur with their cell phone. At least they rotated their phone 90 degrees! As a video editor, there's nothing I hate more than vertical video!
May 21, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterEddieLongHair
Fantastic performance. I'm really not surprised. I haven't read anything about her weight loss. I assume she cut down on the booze a bit and probably eating better. Either way, I'm a big fan!
May 21, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterGallogs

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