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Happy Fourth of July, America! 2024 Edition

There are lots of fireworks and concerts on television tonight for your celebrating pleasure. Macy's is hosting the nation's largest display from New York City and there will be musical guests. CNN is broadcasting the Washington, D.C. (among other places) fireworks and that show will have more rock acts than Macy's including The Killers, The Goo Goo Dolls, REO Speedwagon and Yellowcard.

The CNN broadcast starts at 7 p.m. ET and Macy's show starts at 8 p.m. Deadline has more details below.

Finally, remember your pets probably hate fireworks so keep them inside tonight and comfort them.

Reader Comments (3)

Hope everyone had a good 4th yesterday.

I celebrated mine by avoiding the typical types of events and dodging some unseasonably hot weather outside my tent. I finished it with an Irish whiskey you can't get in the States unless you bring it back with you, an Italian espresso blend you can get here, and an Indonesian clove cigarette that you can sorta' get here if you squint and don't ask questions about shipping! And Allyson is right. The cacophony of mortars was equaled by the barking of dogs both bothered and confused.

All of which fits perfectly. We are a nation of mutts/mongrels, with lots for which to be proud and perhaps an equal measure of things that are cause for introspection and regret. Not getting political, mind you. But . . . you know. There are some things that are cause for pause. History isn't an unfettered path of/to glory; it's a pocked and dotted thing with lots to consider as you move forward and try to do better. Which, once the sparklers die out, we should all consider given those who were here before and those who were forced to come here as well. Just saying.

But I will get political now . . . amazing things happening in the land that once lauded it (you pick the type of tea) over us. Seems to have been a labo(u)rious time for conservatives on the other side of the pond! I kid, former keepers and now close friends. After all, this is our day.

Wishing everyone--and I mean that--well. Once the fireworks die down, I hope we all do our best to be our best. Try to be kind to those with whom you disagree, to understand that differences are not always symptomatic of defect, and to recognize that the things we all purportedly celebrate on the 4th are fragile and no less tempered with a need for humility.

In saying that, I am only saying what I think. And that is another great thing about this place. I can say what I want and not fear, for the most part, that it will be sanctioned . . . or worse.

All my best. Now, back to my tent.
July 5, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I remember one 4th of July celebration when Jeanne Haas called me to in my family to the Haas firework spectacular show. I told her that Jeremiah is going insane and breaking things. I need to deal with that instead. She sighed, "Bill is going to be disappointed". I replied, "Guess used to disappointment".

She knows her truth.
July 5, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
But, but, but... it's Bill's favorite holiday.

Bill just abandoned Jeremiah at our door.

Happy 4th to everyone.
July 5, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterfletch

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