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Motley Crue Announce Hollywood 'Takeover'

This was rumored for awhile but now it is apparently fact: Motley Crue will do a Hollywood takeover and play some of the iconic rock clubs in the area.

There is a charity aspect here so that is good.

The poster below is just wrong though - using the original graphics and having John 5 in one of the squares? Crazy.

Reader Comments (13)

Bkallyday, I apologize for what I am about to post. I know you are kinda' spastic when it comes to Crue. You feel it is your right to hail them as one of the greatest of their era. I agree. But then you feel like you can slam them when it suits you . . . but others can't. I get it. Being a fanboy is rough (see: Him and Dokken).

This is just par for the course. The LLC that is basically Frank and Thomas (pending any litigation with Robert, and with a shrug from Vincent) squirts out sounds and objects and ideas and things that they think will keep them in the public eye. And, you know what? It works! By cracky, it works!

But let's be honest (again, as I have said this before). They didn't go out on top. And they aren't continuing on top either. This is the latest of several gasps of a band that flailed around for years, found a couple of area tours that were marketing gold, and are now squeezing that for every inch of lucre it can produce (because you can count the inches that stacks of money create). Good for them, I guess? Good for those people who go to those concerts, or buy their swag, or or who fall for their edgy groove these days. That last one was sarcastic. Crue is about as edgy as a razor found behind a toilet in a Flying J bathroom.

And Allyson is right. Crazy. Crazy like a . . . worn down, helpless, and tired grab bag of leftover greatness. That John 5 took this job is no error on his part. He is riding this for all it is worth. And it is, to be fair, worth a lot. But, in terms of their legacy? Nah. No. Nyet. But that isn't his problem. He is an employee. The others involved? They were involved in the legacy that they created. As was Robert (but he is living his life without them). And he looks much better, standing at a distance, litigating, and doing his own thing. The other three? Amazing you can't figure it out.

Here's a hint: when you die, the money doesn't go with you. But if you want to turn your legacy into a bottom (giggle), fine. You get the money. But those of us who actually supported you in your heyday are now left to wonder: what else? And, more importantly, why else but for the filthy lucre?

Tarnish your legacy if you want. But count me as one fan who finds you as flaccid, as vacuous, and as irrelevant as all the things you once made seem joyous.

"If you want to live life on your own terms, you gotta' be ready to crash and burn." So, I guess you guys did that. What's left? Gurgle and rip off more fans?

I really, really hope that you stop.
September 12, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Him. You still got it brother. 😁
September 12, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterAn innocuous bystander
What they fails to recognize is something like this!

I tried to warn them about Val Jacinto...and I was ignored.

I definitely warned them about Sara Packer. They laughed at me and asked me to apologize to her. "Use your charm" is what the supervisor at Diakon asked me to do and "smooth things over". I refused. I said, "She should apologize to me". The response: that is not going to happen. Just stop.

There's another one on my radar that I'm hoping I'm wrong, but the best predictor of future behavior is to look at past behavior.
September 12, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Edits: "arena," not "area." And I should have dropped the coupled "or" in that one languid sentence.

Innocuous, many thanks. But do you also post here under another name? Just curious.

And, Fletch, I hope you are well. I truly do. Some of your recent posts have me scratching . . . my head. But, you do you.

And I hope everyone else is doing well too. Would love to see more comments on this site.

Thanks, as always, Allyson.
September 13, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterHim
It's fine HIM, I actually agree with the sentiment. However the last thing they're trying to do these days, is be "edgy", we will agree to disagree on that. But if you can give me some kind of recent example(which if you do, won't be a good one), then I may recant. Their place in music history is already entrenched and that will never change no matter what they do, they will go down as a legendary band, no matter what you or anyone else thinks. At least that's a lot more than some of your favorite scab bands will ever be able to say(see dead daisies, steel panther, etc.). Roflmao
September 13, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Him: "That little itch could be something". 😜. I'm glad it's your head and not somewhere else that has you scratching.

September 13, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Thanks for the reply, Bkallday. Appreciate it and hope you are doing well.

I take some of your counterpoint, esp. as it relates to their legacy. They released some kick ass music over the early years. They are a part of my musical memories. I won't ever slag them for that.

But I do think they are trying to be edgy. More specifically, I think Sixx's recent tirades against the media are just him crying wolf when called to account for so many of his lies over the years. But it is 'edgy' to be anti-media these days and this guy is just yelling in the wilderness . . . next to his million dollar property! I find it kinda' funny actually. Do your research, huh? Well, people watched Lee's drums playing without him being behind the kit. Isn't that research, Sixx? Duh.

And their recent 'back to the club days' stuff is certainly 'edgy-adjacent', right? I mean, you can't put the genie back in the bottle? But you can ask people to squint and act like you are an up and coming band for nostalgia's sake, right? Oh, and the recent song and video? Tapping into the zeitgeist, I guess? Or maybe letting others (read: your handlers) use imagery and ideas that were getting kinda' old when Megadeth was using them in the 90s. I won't even mention John 5's comments about how old school their new music sounds. Because sounding old school isn't edgy? Or is it? I guess I am getting confused.

And, hey, I am cool with you not liking bands I like (I mean, come on, we do like some of the same bands). But you gotta' stop calling them 'scab' bands. And, in this instance, it was actually more of an issue. The guys in Steel Panther and The Dead Daisies aren't crossing any sort of picket line, right? They are musicians doing their thing and it is a thing that you don't like. Cool. I do. Also cool. Room enough for all of them, MC included. But MC has increasingly become cloyingly hungry for attention, without the requisite output that would make fans--yes, you and me--actually feel like they deserve it. Then again, as I said, people are still showing up. So what do I know?

Wouldn't want you to recant a single thing you said, Bkallday. But I prefaced my post the way I did because I do think, respectfully, that you can be a bit this-or-that with MC. The fact that you agree with the thrust of my sentiment I take as a compliment. Truly. And if I got you rolling on the floor laughing, I feel like I did something positive as well!

Again, wishing you well.
September 14, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Mystified would have been a better definition then "scratching my head", Him. But, you do you.

Now onto Van Halen...
September 14, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Again, we can agree to disagree on them trying to still be edgy. I do wish they would do what I consider to be edgy, instead of trying to recapture something they're unable to anymore. I just don't see Sixx ignoring the media as him trying to be edgy. Nor do i think trying to say that it sounds like the old stuff, is edgy. But again, agree to disagree. You may wanna consider yourself right and me wrong, i really dont care. Let me know when the dead daisies or steel panther are headlining festivals(ie legit festivals and not fricking rocklahoma) tho! I'll hang up & listen!!! I guess that's considered me trying to be "edgy" in your opinion? Lol
September 16, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
I honestly think they perceive “Fight For Your Right To Party” and “Like A Virgin” covers as being edgy…

“On man, nobody is gonna expect us to do this! People are gonna freak out when they hear us covering Madonna!”

No, we are all either laughing, cringing, or handing in our S.I.N. Membership cards.

I love the Crüe catalog up until (and including) Generation Swine; but they have seriously lost the plot in my eyes. Being forced to bring Vince back in the late 90s killed their creativity, killed their live show; and ultimately killed their enthusiasm to be a cool, forward thinking band. That’s why Tommy quit in 1999 to do rap-rock.

I’m with HIM … at this point, go see them if it’s your thing, I hope it’s a great experience… just hope you aren’t expecting them to walk into a club and slay, because they won’t.
September 16, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterMike
Thanks, Mike. Appreciate the reply. I think you and I agree. And your additions are, well, great additions to my claim that they think they are still on the edge of being edgy. I hope your reply, respectful as it was, isn't tagged for opprobrium by our resident MC researcher. Or, at the very least, that his chest thumps are directed squarely at me!

And, with no trace of sarcasm, I appreciate your reply too, Bkallday. You have a POV and more often than not stick to it. You did here. So I will avoid the particulars, as they get stiff and unappealing, like laundry hung out to dry on an old-fashioned line: those of mine which you ignored and those which you often sprinkle through your posts, as you did here, like boasts and taunts, offered from a stage no one is standing near at some far off, one off, circus in a no-name town where you are the only name in said town. I won't take your bait, even if I just kinda' offered it back to you. And I won't ask questions that you will never answer, because I have learned my lesson(s). You have your take. I have mine. Fair enough.

I think we both wish MC were a bit more than they are now, while we both love them for what they once were. I take your initial comment ("It's fine HIM, I actually agree with the sentiment.") as a sign of progress. Sorta' like a hug, accidental or not. It felt nice. I mean, come on, SLAYER!!!!!!! Right? That's enough for me. And, again, I appreciate the reply. Hope you are doing well.

Done with all of this. Moving on . . .
September 19, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterHim
Ok Mike, gotta make sure of something. Are u seriously trying to say that they should have stuck with Corabi? If so, u obviously weren’t at any of their shows while he was in the band. But that’s ok, cuz no one else was either. That’s probably the wildest thing I’ve heard anyone say about the band! Is that really what u were trying to say???
September 19, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Hi BK - yes I am 100% saying they should have stuck it out with Corabi, for the rest of the decade at least. KISS had Eric Carr for the entire 80s, and while “Creatures Of The Night” sales and concert attendance were not stellar, they stuck it out and became a relevant, platinum act by “Lick It Up” / “Animalize”…

The 1994 Crüe album is an amazing piece of work, they were inspired and moving forward. We deserved more of that; even Sabbath gave us 2 albums with Dio that first time, both of which are 10/10.

With Vince back, we instead got “New Tattoo” - the laziest, most uninspired (and cliché) “Dr Feelgood” rehash. You want to talk about lame live shows, go watch the show they filmed on that tour, it’s awful, and attendance was so bad they had to send one of the opening bands home (Anthrax).

Of course Motley was going to eventually reunite with Vince Neil and become a legacy act, most big bands do, and that’s expected… I just feel like this band’s creativity was curbed far too early; and would have liked to see a more prolific ‘90s Crüe era.
September 19, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterMike

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