Brunette - The Huge Sunset Strip Band That Fizzled

Before Hardline, there was Brunette. The band never released an actual album but a few songs exist, including "Lady Love." The video for the clip is below and there is a nice guitar solo around the 2:15 mark or so. Brunette played the Sunset Strip a lot and people seemed to love them. Of all the 80s acts that got signed to a major, it seems odd that Brunette wasn't included in the fun.
Apparently the "Lady Love" clip below is from the unreleased move Smash, Crash and Burn. Brunette plays the band Royal Smash. The soundtrack for the film was produced by - wait for it - Dana Strum.
Brunette has a Flickr page that details their movie fame. Oh yeah, Francis Ford Coppola happened to be director of Smash, Crash and Burn.