Gene Simmons On 'American Idol' Tonight

Here's #1
Here's #2
Here's #3 - this is the serious one, warning you not to gamble too much.
Another week down, another week of big news.
22-year old Texas A&M University senior
— Brian Entin (@BrianEntin) November 11, 2021
Bharti Shahani has died after her injuries sustained at Astroworld, according to the family attorney.
9th death.
Lawsuits against Travis Scott are mounting.
The plaintiff are seeking over $1 million each from rappers Travis Scott and Drake the rapper, as well as 11 other entities connected to the event.
— KHOU 11 News Houston (@KHOU) November 13, 2021
Britney Spears is officially freed from her abusive conservatorship!
Breaking: Britney Spears’ conservatorship is over, an L.A. judge ruled today, ending a court-imposed oversight that has controlled her money and personal life for nearly 14 years.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) November 12, 2021
After leveling off for awhile, COVID-19 cases in America are on the rise again. Things are bad in Europe as the region goes through yet another wave. Lockdowns are happening again in many places, including Austria. Gene Simmons has some thoughts:
Gene Simmons rips anti-vaxxers: "If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy"
— The Hill (@thehill) November 11, 2021
U.S. COVID update: Daily cases rise for 7 days in a row
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) November 14, 2021
- New cases: 45,791
- Average: 81,447 (+2,167)
- In hospital: 45,810 (+94)
- In ICU: 11,670 (+38)
- New deaths: 453
- Average: 1,159 (+14)
More data:
The situation at the border between Poland and Belarus is a powder-keg. Unreal scenes of immigration and desperate families trapped.
Belarus has launched a hybrid war on Poland and Europe, using migrants as weapons. In response, Poland has created not just a humanitarian crisis but moral, legal, and administrative chaos.
— Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) November 13, 2021
Steve Bannon was indicted by a federal grand jury for contempt of Congress. The charges are from the congressional inquiry into the January 6th insurrection. This one is a big deal and something to watch.
DOJ: Stephen K. Bannon Indicted for Contempt of Congress
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) November 12, 2021
This is horrific - a California fertility clinic mixed up embryos and women carried the wrong babies, gave birth, breastfed them, bonded... and then found out they had the wrong child. Now, one couple is suing the clinic.
Daphna and Alexander Cardinale are the latest alleged victims of an IVF mixup. The couple say they were ‘devastated’ to learn the baby they had given birth to was not theirs—and that their own child was being raised by strangers.
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) November 8, 2021
Sorry the country - well, world - was ruined by the opioid crisis. Apparently we have to protect our rich overlords. The historic lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson was thrown out by an Oklahoma judge.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court has overturned a $465 million opioid ruling against Johnson & Johnson. It's another blow to a legal argument that governments across the U.S. are using in trying to hold the drug industry accountable for the opioid epidemic.
— The Associated Press (@AP) November 10, 2021
Speaker of the House aside, this is the most over-the-top, extravagant, expensive wedding (or event) I think I've ever read about. There is a photo gallery with 100 pictures. I have no idea who any of the people are, including the bride and groom, but good grief! I love fashion, so I was drawn to the story to look at pictures of the clothes people wore. Ivy Getty's gown is pretty impressive but that headpiece is ghastly. No offense to Galliano.
Nancy Pelosi officiated, Earth Wind & Fire performed, and Anya Taylor-Joy led the dance floor at Ivy Getty's over-the-top wedding in San Francisco
— Vogue Runway (@VogueRunway) November 8, 2021
And I leave you with this: 'Squid Game' (Netflix) is one of the best shows I've watched in years. I do not read much fiction anymore, but when I do it is mostly dystopian, so no surprise I really enjoyed this Korean series. Definitely watch - but it is not kid friendly at all.
More Netflix viewers watched dubbed versions of the South Korean drama “Squid Game” than subtitled versions. We met one of the show’s English-language voice actors to see how dubbing foreign content is fueling the streaming giant’s growth.
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) November 13, 2021
Squid Game to return for season two, creator Hwang Dong-hyuk says
— The Guardian (@guardian) November 10, 2021
We are postponing the next four tour dates. All previously purchased tickets will be honored for the new dates once announced. More information will be emailed to ticketholders directly.
— KISS (@kiss) August 31, 2021
Unbelievable. You won’t take FDA/CDC approved vaccine, but you WILL take horse medicine!!!…Oklahoma stores selling out of horse medicine despite FDA plea not to take the drug
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) August 26, 2021
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