Sunday's Best: Week 43, 2022 (Kenny Ozzfest!)

Happy Sunday! It's a beautiful day for football in southern Ohio and I'm looking forward to seeing my Bengals back home today. In music news, a focus on Kenny Ozzfest 15. That's our Sunday's Best for this week.
Kenny Ozz - a longtime reader, friend of BBG! and poster here - will host his 15th annual birthday bash December 3 at MVP Sports Bar in Cincinnati. The show is all ages.
Who is headlining Kenny Ozzfest 15, you ask? None other than Glam metal stars TUFF. Plus, there's a whole day of music from local bands. Tickets are $10. For more information and how to get tickets, just click here! You can also message Kenny directly through his Facebook page.
The show will sell out.