An Eye Opening Headline
I know touring costs are consistently going up and bands are canceling shows because hitting the road just isn't feasible right now... but holy smokes. Dave Mustaine says it costs $45k a day for Megadeth to just "be" when on the road. Of course, that price is passed right on to us as ticket buyers.
Now compare that cost to a really huge band - say Metallica's current 72 Seasons tour. What is the nut on that bad boy every day? Or heck, the current and never-ending Motley Crue / Def Leppard world tour? Or Aerosmith's upcoming farewell harrah? Nirvana ain't cheap and I'm thinking there's a lot of bloat in the day to day costs for huge bands that like to travel in a certain style. Still, when even smaller bands that hit the road in a van and play clubs can't afford to gig anymore, we've got a problem. What happens when only massive acts like Taylor Swift can afford to tour? What happens to live rock n' roll? Just something to consider on this hump day.