'Who's The One'

I've been on a real Winger kick here lately. Honestly, Winger is about the only thing I have listened to in the past three weeks, except for some KIX to get ready for the show last Friday. I've always thought Winger's Pull was a beautiful and completely underrated album and I feel even stronger about it today. In many ways, the album was way ahead of its time.
Beyond "Down Incognito" I think the strongest track on Pull is "Who's The One." In fact, it just might be one of the best Winger songs, period. Even the video - with its themes and news clips - could have been made today and been considered "current."
Pull has a rich sound and I attribute that to producer Mike Shipley. He worked on so many albums I love including Def Leppard's Hysteria (as an engineer), Aerosmith's Just Push Play and Nickelback's All The Right Reasons. He won a Grammy for his work on Paper Airplane by Alison Krauss and Union Station - another one of my favorites.
When most people think of Winger, they probably conjure up images of the "Seventeen" video. For me, it's the clip below.