News Of The Week Roundup: Week 40, 2021

There are positive signs the Delta strain of the current COVID-19 surge in waning in America. Still, way too many remain unvaccinated. This includes members of the military. This is concerning for a few reasons, notwithstanding that service members are now getting infected and dying from COVID at alarming rates.
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) October 10, 2021
Let's just call it rape and be done with it, but good on California for making "stealthing" officially illegal. Every state should do this, too.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill on Thursday outlawing "stealthing," the nonconsensual removal of a condom during intercourse.
— Axios (@axios) October 8, 2021
The move makes California the first state to ban the act.
At one time, traveling - especially flying - was find of fun. Now it just feels like a miserable experience every time. Heck, that even applies to waiting in lounges and going first class (use credit card points, people!) Apparently Southwest is having another major system meltdown, canceling hordes of flights all weekend and stranding people across the country. When cancellations reach into the thousands, it usually takes days to sort out and get everyone where they need to be. You have my sympathy if you were flying Southwest this weekend.
NEW: Southwest Airlines has canceled *another* 1,000 flights—more than a quarter of its Sunday schedule—per FlightAware.
— Pete Muntean (@petemuntean) October 10, 2021
It’s the second straight day of major issues. Southwest said yesterday it was working “to recover our operation.”
Bobby Flay is leaving Food Network. I am not a Food Network devotee and I try my best to avoid cooking anything that would be considered a complicated meal. Still, this is a big deal for a whole host of business reasons, including product endorsements and ratings.
Superstar chef Bobby Flay and Food Network are set to part ways after a 27-year run that has made the restaurateur and businessman one of the country’s most recognizable culinary figures.
— Variety (@Variety) October 7, 2021
I watched CATS on a Royal Caribbean cruise, once. Well, I made it to intermission. The stage production was not good. I can't even imagine what the movie was like. Apparently CATS creator Andrew Lloyd Weber hated the movie so much... he had to get a therapy dog to cope!
Andrew Lloyd Weber, composer of the original Cats musical, says the 2019 film remake made him so emotionally distraught he bought a therapy dog.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 8, 2021
Andrew Lloyd Webber asked an airline for approval to take his therapy dog on a flight because he’s “emotionally damaged.”
— Variety (@Variety) October 6, 2021
When the airline asked for proof that he needed the dog, he replied, “Yes, just see what Hollywood did to my musical #Cats.”
This is cool as hell. My household watches Ohio State Football, so I'm well aware of just how awesome of the OSU marching band is... after all, they are known as the Best Damn Band In The Land for a reason! The band played tribute to RUSH yesterday and the result was just epic.
And I leave you with this: immense New England fall beauty.RUSH Members Are Left 'Speechless' By Ohio State Marching Band Tribute
FALL FOLIAGE: Stunning drone footage shows autumnal colors in full effect in New Hampshire.
— ABC News (@ABC) October 10, 2021