News Of The Week Roundup: Week 30, 2021

So now it's August. I can't believe we're already into the eighth month of the year and summer is winding down. It's been a mixed bag summer for me so far. I did get to go to Walt Disney World in June. The following week, I was on a normal training run, tripped and broke my shoulder (I've never broken a bone before). So the past six weeks I've been in a sling and also not permitted to drive. Of course I broke my right shoulder, which is my dominant arm. That means typing - especially at the beginning of my injury - was ridiculously painful and slow. In fact, whenever I had to write something, I would peck it out with my left hand only. You'll note I never missed posting a single day during this entire fiasco.
I am hopeful that I get good news at my next round of X-rays next week and that I get out of my sling and can start to rehab and drive again. I assume physical therapy is going to be painful, but it is what it is. I have to get my arm back to full range of motion. The accident meant the half marathon I was training for isn't happening now, either. I deferred my registration until next year. Oh well I guess. I've read it can take a full year to get back to optimal strength. I want to start lifting weights again soon.
I can't believe I haven't been in a pool all summer yet (thanks again, sling!). I am hoping to get some pool time this month. And last night I saw my first concert since the beforetimes! I saw Brit Floyd with Eric and my friend Joe. It was a fun, sold-out show with great music. Who can argue with "Comfortably Numb" live?
Since my injury, I've had lots of time to read books, watch news and stare at the wall. The news over the past week was a lot about the Olympics and the resurgence of COVID-19 thanks to the Delta variant and the unvaccinated.
The single biggest story out of the Tokyo Olympics is gymnast superstar Simone Biles pulling out of competitions to focus on her mental health. And good for her. Elite athletes are not toys built for our amusement, programmed to "perform" on a whim. Not being in the right headspace when flipping and flying through the air is dangerous. Simone is smart for knowing when to step back. Hopefully her actions bring more awareness to mental health, period. Gymnastics is a career for Simone, the same way some of us program computers, write articles or teach kids. When work pushes too hard and things become overwhelming, all of us has the absolute right to push back and protect ourselves.
Simone Biles' sponsors, including Athleta and Visa, are lauding her decision to put her mental health first and withdraw from the gymnastics team competition during the Olympics.
— NPR (@NPR) July 30, 2021
I’m in awe at Simone Biles' strength on the global stage as she finds the courage to stand up & prioritize her mental health.
— Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (@SenatorWarnock) July 29, 2021
Thank you, Simone, for representing #TeamUSA both on & off the mat—you’re an inspiration to us all.
Michael Phelps has spent the past couple days voicing support for Simone Biles – because mental health is a topic he understands intimately. In 2018, he opened up to CBS News about his thoughts of suicide and the strain Olympic greatness puts on athletes.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 28, 2021
Florida is ground zero for the current COVID-19 surge. The state is setting new records for cases and hospitalizations, despite the fact that there is a vaccine that can basically stop the virus in its tracks. The vaccine is available to everyone in America, for free and basically on demand at this point. But alas, here we are.
Page one in Miami.
— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) August 1, 2021
(via @ukpapers @MiamiHerald)
The massive numbers of unvaccinated folks in America - along with some new study findings - lead the CDC to reverse decisions on masking. Now, if you live in a COVID "red zone" the CDC says you should mask indoors regardless of vaccination status. That's because the CDC now knows that even vaccinated folks can transmit the disease - with high viral loads. This is disappointing news to learn of course.
28) 📍UPDATE—the CDC finally released that worrisome unpublished analysis from Massachusetts showing 74% of the mega outbreak being breakthroughs, and that among the breakthroughs— viral loads were similar in vaxxed and unvaxxed. This is why CDC ultimately had to reinstate masks.
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) July 30, 2021
Breaking News: The Delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox and may be spread by vaccinated people as easily as the unvaccinated, an internal C.D.C. report said.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) July 30, 2021
Look, i’m not a epidemiologist. nor am i scientists. But it seems like if, as a society, we just got vaccinated we’d be done with this fucking shit.
— Sam Stein (@samstein) July 29, 2021
And I leave you with these interesting images:
The abandoned Six Flags New Orleans, destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 only five years after it opened.
— Abandoned America 🏚️🇺🇲 (@abandonedameric) July 26, 2021