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Entries in The Onion (1)


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 46, 2021

Boy howdy it felt like a long week. Maybe because the holiday season is coming or that most of my coworkers were out of the office. At any rate, it was just... long. The weekend has been pretty boring and today I've had a crazy bad headache/earache combo, so that's always fun.

Axl Rose lost his sweet kitty this week. Dexter was 14 according to a photo posted on Twitter. I think Axl was a little surprised at the outpouring of support. It seems that no matter how divided people are, everyone can come together over the shared love of pets. Losing them is the worst.

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial came to an end and he was acquitted as most people expected. My husband watched the entire trial on Court TV. He finds trials fascinating and they typically bore me to tears. Regardless of the verdict, Rittenhouse still killed two people and maimed a third. Maybe people should pump the breaks on lauding him a hero and offering him fancy congressional internships? This is sort of an interesting take on the whole situation. I never thought of this until I saw it pass by my Twitter feed:

This article from Scientific American is fascinating. It points out that many COVID-19 sufferers have early symptoms that impact the eyes and ears.

People are traveling in the highest numbers since the pandemic began - just in time for Thanksgiving.

Protests in Europe over new vaccine mandates and lockdown measures, too:

The House passed the Build Back Better act - it now goes to the Senate to be passed around for a zillion months. The act is one of Joe Biden's signature pieces of legislation.

One of my bucket list items is to go on a hot air balloon ride. Here's an interesting article about the first such balloon.

And I leave you with this on football Sunday: