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Entries in Weight (1)


Vince Neil Uses Emsculpt Neo To Shed Pounds

Vince Neil is apparently trying to slim down ahead of next summer's "The Stadium Tour" featuring Motley Crue. He's using some device called the Emsculpt Neo which is a toning machine for the stomach. It has something to do with energy waves and tissue building.

I think it is great that Vince wants to get back into shape. We all should want to stay in shape - or get there! But really, it's all CICO. That's calories in, calories out. No human can beat thermodynamics. Eat less and move around more. You don't need to kill yourself with crazy gimmicks or really hard workouts either. Daily walking will help you slim down - just keep your calories in check.

Most folks who have been coming here a long time know I like to run and exercise in general. After my accident and bad shoulder break in June, I had to stop running and began brisk walking to maintain some fitness. I can run again now, but I still do regular walks too. Brisk walking - especially up hills - can be a really good workout and helps build stamina. The walking has helped eased me back into running while I waited for my arm to stop throbbing from the swinging motion.

Lifting weights can really help you drop pounds faster too - again, if your calories are in check. I cannot lift weights yet, but hopefully I will be cleared to do so soon. All this to say, I have not gained any weight as a result of my accident. I try to keep my diet in check, but Glam knows I eat my share of treats, and I try to move with purpose every day. So I hope Vince gets the results he wants and people will stop mocking him for his appearance. It seems he is at least trying!