Bang Camaro

So anyway, Bang Camaro just might be glam. They've got three guitar players, a bassist, a drummer and about 15 singers! Yes, 15! Their self-titled debut is full of arena rock anthems - I guess that's not a surprise considering you need an arena so the entire band can fit onto the stage!
Here are a couple Bang Camaro videos. The first is of "Push Push (Lady Lightning)."
Now here's a promotional video for the band. The song is "Rock Rebellion" and it's a little heavier than "Push Push."
If you can hear the blatant touches of KISS, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue and Poison - good for you! This band lists just about every 80s Metal act as an influence. That can only mean good things for us. Yes, I think it's safe to say Bang Camaro is bringing back glam!
Reader Comments (9)
the song "Push Push (Lady Lightning)" was featured on guitar hero 2. where i heard them first as well, i had forgotten about them until this
Sort of a hair metal chorus band.
Rob Rockitt
Heavy Metal Addiction
if you wanna call me my number is 446-9838
Why do they have that many singers? They wanted the gang vocal style without having to resort to studio trickery to get it. Some bands would even pipe in vocals on stage during live shows in order to achieve that sound.
...and yes, they are an indie band. Indie is short for independent, and they do everything themselves. They make and produce their own albums in the home of one of the band members without the help of big record companies or producers, and they rely on fans to help spread the word about them. This is what rock and roll is all about!