Destination Unknown

There’s a new melodic rock band making some waves in Italy these days. Knyght features five guys hoping to make it big with album oriented rock.
Since I’m an English nerd, I’m going to interrupt this review right now and talk about the band name. The word “knyght” has evolved over time to become “knight.” In Middle English – and Geoffrey Chaucer’s time – the word was spelled knyght. In early phonics, that would be pronounced “ka nick” with a heavy emphasis on the second syllable of the word. Look up The Canterbury Tales and you’ll know what I’m talking about here.
Back to the band Knyght and their EP Destination Unknown. The disc features these songs:
Stop Me
The Believer
I’ll Live In Your Shadow
Destination Unknown
The music is there but the boys who formed Knyght are awfully young. The biggest obstacle facing Knyght is a language barrier. Destination Unknown is recorded in English, but Tommy Forni’s vocals are thick with an Italian accent. Still, the band can progress with a little more practice and perhaps a vocal coach.
Not surprising, Knyght looks up to music luminaries like Queen and Bon Jovi. It’s especially easy to hear the Queen influences as Knyght likes keyboards and seem to be edging toward big scale production.
Give them a few years and watch out.
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Rob Rockitt
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Heavy Metal Addiction