After the Rain

I believe I have found the single MOST Glam photo of the entire genre. Look at the hair! The clothes! The glowing chests! The hair! The guitar! The hair!
Seriously, though, I dare you to discover a more Glam photo. Nelson get a bad rap and people bitch and moan about their music, but one thing is for sure: those little twin boys had blonde locks so divine even Goldilocks was jealous. It's too bad both brothers hacked off their hair in an attempt to look "modern."
Oh yeah: I went to The Nelson Brothers Online and noticed the boys are selling merchandise. No big deal except you can buy shirts: one says Team Gunnar and the other Team Matthew. My only quandary is how do I wear both shirts at one time without looking bulky? Tisk, tisk.
Happy Easter Glam fans!
Reader Comments (15)
Now they're in Scrap Metal with Mark Slaughter. (I also used to work with Slaughter back in the day.)
I remember seeing Nelson play and thinking (about the entire band)...holy crap, stop posing...and start playing! haha
My brother and I went to watch them play a softball tournament here in Richmond for charity, against the team from Q-94. Q won! What was funny was watching the morning jocks with blond wigs and trying to m.c. the event, and all that long hair! :) About a year or so later, they did a phone interview with Nelson, and I think Gunnar admitted that Q was the only team that year to beat them!
(It must be spring, I'm talking about softball! Does anybody remember the Rock & Jocks games they used to play on MTv?)
Happy Easter! >^..^<
I agree about After the Rain. I do think it's a great effort - even if it is constantly mocked.
I do find, however, how the twins take advantage of their fans with the merchandising now a little pathetic. They charge ridiculous amounts of money for crap. Still, I wish they'd release a new album already.
not enough makeup - bad