Hardline Made Some Good Tunes

I'm driving along, swerving orange barrels and trying to avoid stupid drivers when Hardline comes on my satellite radio. Yes, "Hot Cherie!" This made me smile. Hardline is a great band - and completely underrated. Perhaps most important, guitarist Neal Schon was an original member of Hardline, heavily contributing to the band's sound. It's no wonder Hardline is compared to Journey - Schon's playing is pretty recognizable.
Hardline hasn't released many albums, but the band did manage a new effort earlier this year. I haven't heard it and there are not many reviews online. The new album is called Leaving the End Open and is available via Frontiers. If you've heard it, leave your opinions in the comments.
Like many late bloomers to the glam scene, Hardline has changed members a bunch of times. I've never seen the band live - but I bet a lot of you have at one time or another.
Here's "Hot Cherie."
Reader Comments (8)
Never heard 2nd or 3rd album - can't be as good without anyone but the singer in the band, but would not mind hearing it.
OK, they have a myspace page - absolutely HATE the myspace layout and graphics - can't read a thing. Dude can still sing, but otherwise, I think I will go grab Double Eclipse and enjoy that.
I guess he's highly regarded and he sure does have the chops (no matter all of his Cheese Metal charades). When you boil it all down, the guy can really crank it when he let's himself loose. After all, Frank Zappa and Carlos Santana let him on stage with them (and he did stints in their bands long enough to make it onto a couple of album covers).
Personally, I like the first Hard Line album, "Double Eclipse" the best of all of his stuff (crappy album cover, tho, with the cheesy stretched out typography of the non-logo by someone who fell in love with Quark back then). In fact, I like it better than even, dare I say, Journey (Well, except for something so cheesy it's actually great, "Don't Stop Believin'", natch!).