Dates Announced for Next Shiprocked

If you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas...maybe you should start saving to buy yourself passage on the next Shiprocked. The next floating festival will happen November 11-14, 2010 and port out of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The cruise will stop in Key West, Florida and Nassau, Bahamas. That's all I know for now - no info on the cruise line, cost or bands playing.
Click the link above to join the mailing list to receive future updates. That's how I learned of the date announcement.
Reader Comments (6)
However, it all depends on what bands they get. As it's been discussed here previously, they should definitely try and get some or all (hahaha!!!) of the bands listed below...
Cheap Trick
Spinal Tap
Pretty Boy Floyd
Steel Panther
Crash Diet
Little Kiss
I would gladly want Ratt, if Pearcy can be a little more excited about it, and only, of course, if previous Shiprockers like Al and NirVana would want them again.
Also, I thought of Twisted Sister, too, but then realized that might promote sea sickness since these guys never were much to look at, hahaha!!!
Of course, I'm know I'm forgetting bands, both new and old, who are out there gigging these days and might be up for it.
I bet some of the other Metal Mateys and landlubberz alike out there have great opinions on who should play, as well...
And, to Ricksav's point, the itinerary does seem scaled back but, then again, the Bahamas are awesome and Key West is like one of the biggest party towns in the world. It would be fun and easy.
After all, the real entertainment is on the ship as Al's and Nirvana's stories posted here not too long ago attest (Search 'em out -- they are quite interesting and hilarious, if you haven't already read them.).
I have a HUGE feeling they will be back on MSC again (DEAR GOD WHY?) - go to MSC website and you'll see the exact same dates and ports as listed for Shiprocked II (I hope I'm wrong but I have a bad feeling about it)...
RATT Sealed the deal for me to go this year but honestly I wouldn't want them on the boat again. I'm ready for Captn to change it up some (except SKIDS & LYNAM). BRING ON KIX, CINDERELLA, CORABI & STEEL PANTHER!
Just waiting....waiting....
I've seen 'em like 20 times since they were the Shoes, the Generators and finally, Kix, the first time seeing them in that incarnation around 1981! And they outrock anybody as I guess you've already witnessed live and in person! And I'm with ya on Corabi, too! His vox rox!
Can't wait to see who's gonna wind up on the final roster...
I hold Justin Hawkins accountable as a big reason for the revival of Glam Metal...
Hello, The Darkness?
I'm surprised more people didn't have them on their lists for best bands or albums of the decade! Okay, the second album, "One Way Ticket to Hell...and Back" blew (xcept for the title track) but the first album, "Permission to Land" was pure genius as is Hot Legs' "Red Light Fever".
The ship would surely be rockin' with him on board!