The Week of Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert sure is having a good week. It was just announced (officially) that the Lamb signed with RCA records. The press release is glowing, with record executives using words like “thrilled” over and over.
An excerpt:
To find a talent as exceptional as Adam Lambert is a rare and special event,” says Simon Fuller, Creator and Executive Producer of American Idol and Founder & CEO of 19 Entertainment. “I am thrilled that American Idol was the platform for the world to discover this brilliant young man. He is unique and unforgettable and a certain star of tomorrow.”
Of course, those of us that follow Adam’s every move (and yes, I am a Lamb Skank and yes, I sit on Idol Forums into the wee hours of the night just in case there’s anything newsworthy) already knew about the RCA deal.
Diehards also already knew that Adam landed the cover of Rolling Stone, too.
Finally – just a couple hours ago- the totally awesome cover “leaked.” As predicted, Adam talks about his sexuality (and drugs) in the article.
Reader Comments (8)
No parenthesis at the end.
But his sexuality, his "crush" on Kris Allen, all this other reality-show crap that's *on the other blogs* is annoying. It has nothing to do with anything. Much like 99.9% of what is seen on MTV.