Bret Michaels (Really) Angered Over Tony Awards Debacle - I Predict Lawsuit!

Ok, so maybe you've been living under a rock and missed the clip of Bret Michaels getting (nearly) beheaded at the 2009 Tony Awards. Sure, it looks bad and bandanna boy (thanks Kenny!) did go down hard. In all seriousness, the incident is scary as shit because those stage props/video screens are massive and weigh literal tons. So anyway, Bret either missed his mark or someone was asleep at the wheel, but whatever the case, Bret was smacked, knocked off his boots and smashed his nose and may even have neck and back injuries. I predicted there were be repercussions...and it seems I was right.
Our friends over at Blabbermouth posted comments from Bret Michaels' management company criticizing the Tony Awards. Here's a little bit:
Janna Elias, a representative for Michaels, stated, "With all due respect to everyone working the Tony Awards, somewhere down the line there was a lack of communication and the prop should have been immediately halted until Michaels was clear. Sunday morning at rehearsals, Bret was never informed that the descending set piece existed, let alone would be moving into position as he was exiting the stage.
Added Elias: "I find it surprising that a Tony spokesperson would brush off this incident with a comment stating, Mr. Michaels missed his mark,' with no mention of concern for his condition. If everyone at the Tonys were aware that Bret missed his mark, then they should have been aware enough to stop the set piece from hitting him or at least slowed it down until he cleared the stage. I feel had this incident happened to Liza Minneli, Dolly Parton or Elton John, the Tonys would have at least issued a letter of concern.
I actually agree with that Elias woman on the part about special treatment for Liza, Dolly or Elton. It does seem weird no one with the Tony Awards issued a statement of concern - but maybe Bret's injuries are really nothing to write home about. Who knows for sure?
Now, in case you're confused or don't follow Broadway (and I don't either, so there you go) Poison was on the Tony Awards as part of a special medley for Rock of Ages. That's a show all about Glam. Now, to make this story even more bonkers, Dee Snider is defending himself, saying he didn't have anything to do with Bret's accident. Did we think he was guilty? I mean, WTF? Apparently, there was a chance Dee and the rest of Twisted Sister were going to perform "We're Not Gonna Take It" during the awards show, but that obviously didn't happen. I guess Dee was spotted in the wings right before Poison took the stage and that's how the Internet rumors began...
Bret is scheduled to make an official statement this week. I think he'd be better off writing a new Poison song - and fast - to capitalize on all this bonkers press. The band *needs* new music and having their name in headlines all week is a great kick in the pants when it comes to music press. If Bret is overtly negative, it's going to make Poison look very bad. I mean, Bret is already widely criticized for his Rock of Love shenanigans...being overly litigious isn't very rock n' roll.
Who wants to start a Bret Michaels lawsuit poll? I say Bret will sue, settle out of court and get an undisclosed amount of cash. This windfall will mean the absolute death of Poison and we'll never get any new music. That's my official prediction. Leave me yours in the "comments" section. Go!
Reader Comments (27)
And, by the way, If you watch the clip, it looks as if Bret was lolly-gagging around after the Poison song finished up and was late getting back. And speaking of that performance, I cant believe we didnt bust Poison's balls more for lip-syncing! What a joke.
Poison has become the example of everything that is wrong with the 80's nostalgic metal. Bland, recycled, and unoriginal. They need to take notes from bands like Kix and Jetboy.Dont get me wrong, they still bring it live, but im sure everyone here will agree that the same 10 songs every year are getting OLD!!!
But, I do think the main reason he will sue is all the people making jokes about it the last day or so.
I feel bad that Bret had to be the guy to get whacked, but hey "accidents" happen. Great guy, great performer. Ya it was fluffed off by the academy and CBS, yeah it was wrong not to make a statement of concern, yeah Bret took some extra time to soak the spotlight while C.C. and Bobby found THEIR way to their marks, but all in all the biggest travesty was the TAPED PERFORMANCE. If Bret didn't get smacked in the coconut we would only be reading about the sham performace on Metal Sludge. He got some press, people may now see that C.C. is back with the band (yeah some didn't know after the last 10 years C.C. has been back LMAO) write some REAL songs together as POISON and go lip sync at the local sheds around the U.S., but at least it'll be DIFFERENT this time around...
Sorry for the rant...hahahahahaha
As for Poison's same set list, i'm so beyond tired of it as well. I'm tired of them playing to the main stream fans who only own a greatest hits record. It would be really nice for them to switch up their set list, i'd actually be inclined to pay more money for a better, more obscure set list. (fyi - did anyone see Aero's opening night set list? HOLY COW, incredible!). Poison should take some tips.
No new music, that stupid ass show, touring with Leopard after everything Elliot said. They call KISS sell outs, but to me this is worse.
Also, to a REAL fan, I don't mind the same set list...its come to be expected. I pay for my ticket and can bitch about the set. I know for a fact Rikki and Bret at least,ar tired of doing the same songs over and over as much as we are hearing them for the most part. Unfortunately as a BAND it is over turned. Bret told me a few years ago after Hollyweird came out that he'd talked to the guys about doing some of the newer originals, but was met with resistance...still don't tell fans whether they're casual or extreme fans to shut shitty lawsuits with no merit, it is our right to bitch. Hey like Mellencamp once said, "ain't that America" good, bad, or indifferent people have the right to spew anything they want.
And Rich, I don't know WHAT the hell you're talkin' about...they bought the ticket to the show..they probably heard the same bullshit lines I heard about new songs being added to the set, but they REALLY believed it. It IS the right to complain, bitch, moan,etc. Not sure what the drinking, fighting, etc comes into it though; after all it IS a Poison show and that's how we roll (THAT too was a joke).
Frankly I can't believe that ya all let me get away with saying anyone who lip syncs should have their face smashed by a stage prop and got all worked up about Poison's set list hahahahaha you guys ROCK! and THAT I am NOT joking about. Much love, Lou.
I partially agree with you. Blues is a different player than C.C. all together for sure. C.C. is far from an astute technical player...BUT in the same breath it seems it has nothing to do with his ability or lack of ability to play these songs. After all, Kotzen is a hell of a player too, but C.C. has done Suffer (Fire and Ice) and Stand from Native Tongue in concerts past. I believe it has everything to do with ego in not wanting to play them. If ya ask the band, you'll get 3 of the same reasons why they won't play anything off of it and 1 different reason.
As a fan...most solos are boring in least in a shed where time restraints are concerned. All though...I did like C.C.'s "Georgia" guitar solo.