Bring Back Glam! - Four Years Later
Today is the fourth anniversary of Bring Back Glam!
Amazing, isn't it? Whether you've been here since the beginning or are new to the site, I welcome and appreciate your continued support.
It's been a nutty four years. A lot has changed for me personally in that time and when I think back to all the Glam over the past four years, I just shake my head. To this day I can't really eloquently express why I started this site. I mean, on that December day in 2006 I was certainly motivated. And bored, to be honest. I was sick and tired of commercial radio -- and I still am. I have satellite radio and I'll never go back to so-called "free" radio.
So what have we accomplished in the last four years? Well, I'm not sure. Have we brought back Glam? I don't know, but I think we've made some strides. And certainly there are more outlets for 80s Glam when it comes to summer concerts. We've got M3 and other festivals. For awhile we had Rocklahoma, but I guess it's more modern now. There are special events like Shiprocked that feature our bands. VH1 Classic has Metal Mania. Commercials for big brands feature the music of some of our favorite acts. I don't remember much of this happening eight or 10 years ago. While Glam was once mocked in the mainstream, I think there is less of this now. Instead, there is a certain sort of throw-back appreciation to awesome rock of years past.
In the past four years I've attended four Rocklahomas, two Shiprocked cruises, one Motley Cruise, two editions of M3, suffered through the heat at Rock n' America, been to three consecutive Rock on the Range fests in my native Ohio and traveled to Baltimore many times to see Kix on their home turf. I went to Las Vegas to see Motley Crue, hung out on a tour bus with Drowning Pool before the show and wished our own Kari a happy birthday Sin City style. I became - and remain - an original contributor to Noisecreep, an AOL metal site. I've interviewed so many people I can't even list them all - but some of my favorite experiences include Chad Kroeger of Nickelback and DJ Ashba of SIXX: A.M. I hugged Mick Mars and I've met our own Metalboy! in the flesh! And, as a benchmark, I've written well over 2,200 articles on Glam and general metal music.
The past year has seen BBG! expand with the addition of two more writers: Brian Carvell and Christian Graus. While Christian and I are physically separated by around 10,000 miles, we are good friends. There are days when I chat with him more than my own husband! We met because of this site, just like me and Brian. I hope you are enjoying their unique commentary.
I have no idea where this site will go from one day to the next. I envy those with massive websites and large staffs and marketing plans. The core of BBG! remains just one basically broke woman who happens to have an insane passion for Aerosmith, Motley Crue and Poison. I guess if that means I'm a simple person, so be it. Let's get rocked!
Reader Comments (33)
Great tribute as well, Metalboy.
Heavy Metal Addiction
Thou hast always recommended the finest of thy Glam and served us thy opinion finely, my friend, and for that I am forever grateful to thee!
I was here first and MB jumped on our bandwagon.
I brought it. Too bad you didn't.
I knew you'd take the bait!
No post is ever completely worthy without you comin' on.
p.s. Hat's off to Glam Rocker Archie! Great stuff, always!
You might as well re-write this post after anything and everything I post and cajole "your sheep" into beleiving whatever whim suits you at the time. How many times are you going to be wrong about me and my intentions? How many times have you been wrong about me and my intentions? I know I'm facsinating, but you really need to get over your hatred of me, I honestly thought, that after calling the "c" word, making fun of you, mocking your supporters, etc...that you would've just given up. Who knew (not me) that you would have nothing better to do than to continue atacking me. That sounds completely opposite than what you report to stand for. I will say this though, you are not the "c" word. You are the "b" word...a bully!
In other words, who died and made you Howard Stern?
Hahaha!!! There you are, you loveable frickin' psycho!
I knew you'd take the bait!
No post is ever completely worthy without you comin' on.
p.s. Hat's off to Glam Rocker Archie! Great stuff, always!
Peace Be With You, My Metal Brother, during this Rock'n'Roll Holiday Sleazon.