Bring Back Glam! - Four Years Later

Today is the fourth anniversary of Bring Back Glam!
Amazing, isn't it? Whether you've been here since the beginning or are new to the site, I welcome and appreciate your continued support.
It's been a nutty four years. A lot has changed for me personally in that time and when I think back to all the Glam over the past four years, I just shake my head. To this day I can't really eloquently express why I started this site. I mean, on that December day in 2006 I was certainly motivated. And bored, to be honest. I was sick and tired of commercial radio -- and I still am. I have satellite radio and I'll never go back to so-called "free" radio.
So what have we accomplished in the last four years? Well, I'm not sure. Have we brought back Glam? I don't know, but I think we've made some strides. And certainly there are more outlets for 80s Glam when it comes to summer concerts. We've got M3 and other festivals. For awhile we had Rocklahoma, but I guess it's more modern now. There are special events like Shiprocked that feature our bands. VH1 Classic has Metal Mania. Commercials for big brands feature the music of some of our favorite acts. I don't remember much of this happening eight or 10 years ago. While Glam was once mocked in the mainstream, I think there is less of this now. Instead, there is a certain sort of throw-back appreciation to awesome rock of years past.
In the past four years I've attended four Rocklahomas, two Shiprocked cruises, one Motley Cruise, two editions of M3, suffered through the heat at Rock n' America, been to three consecutive Rock on the Range fests in my native Ohio and traveled to Baltimore many times to see Kix on their home turf. I went to Las Vegas to see Motley Crue, hung out on a tour bus with Drowning Pool before the show and wished our own Kari a happy birthday Sin City style. I became - and remain - an original contributor to Noisecreep, an AOL metal site. I've interviewed so many people I can't even list them all - but some of my favorite experiences include Chad Kroeger of Nickelback and DJ Ashba of SIXX: A.M. I hugged Mick Mars and I've met our own Metalboy! in the flesh! And, as a benchmark, I've written well over 2,200 articles on Glam and general metal music.
The past year has seen BBG! expand with the addition of two more writers: Brian Carvell and Christian Graus. While Christian and I are physically separated by around 10,000 miles, we are good friends. There are days when I chat with him more than my own husband! We met because of this site, just like me and Brian. I hope you are enjoying their unique commentary.
I have no idea where this site will go from one day to the next. I envy those with massive websites and large staffs and marketing plans. The core of BBG! remains just one basically broke woman who happens to have an insane passion for Aerosmith, Motley Crue and Poison. I guess if that means I'm a simple person, so be it. Let's get rocked!
Reader Comments (33)
Being in Scotland - Glam always seemed so far away so a daily fix is always needed - i found a few new bands to like also so i thank you for adding to my record collection.
Keep at it and bringbackglam Now.
I'm happy to tell you that checking out "Bring Back Glam" is part of my morning routine. Love the site. Keep up the great work sharing information about the music we love!!
By the way...MERRY KIXMAS!!!!! 2 weeks from saturday!
I check your site give me great new music to check out and awesome stories from the back-in-the-day era...keep up the great work...
...keep it Glam!-Gene
MUCH CONGRATS ALLY to another year Gone GLAM! DON'T KNOW WHAT I'D DO WITHOUT BBG and so forever thankful for it bringing you into my life. BBG has certainly made us quite good friends and led us to many a travels and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Peace, Roy \m/
Enjoy the banter of the folks on the site.
How about some Glam Christmas Tunes? PBR cover of Elvis' "Santa's Back in Town" - ROCKS
Happy to be on board :-)
It is always great to come onto your site and hear what is happening or get your feed back on all that is glam or hard rock.
The music is alive and well and you are a tribute to that!
I am forever your Glam Metal Defender...
To think of the time a while back -- Just a little over a year ago -- when I was semi-randomly Googling Marc Torien to see if Bulletboys might be playin' the town where I was livin' at the time as Torien also lived there.
But what came up at the top of the page was the title of your post about Bulletboys you had just written the night before.
Clicked on the title and SHAZAAMMM!!!
I was sucked into the Virtual Glam World of The Kingdom of Bring Back Glam where I became the avatar, Metalboy! and where you are the reigning Queen Glamistress with Warlock Eric seated on your right, your fearless Metal Web World Protector.
In a Metal Kingdom, where The Fair Metal Maiden, Glam Princess Kari Superfan, sits on your left on thrones made of Metal and Black Leather in a temple made of Granite, sheets of Bullet Proof Glass and Pillars of Steel.
Where dudes who look like Danzig and his band keep the flame in the Fireplace of Metal stoked with kindling of Charvelle and B.C. Rich
Where your Consigliere, Metal Lord Christian, dons his black triple headed Michael Angelo Signature Explorer to fight the onslaught of Metal Pretenders who try to scale the walls of Glitter of your Diamond Castle.
Where The Noble Nirvanas fight for right under the banner "Cancer Sucks" to do battle every day for their noble cause.
Where Only The Shadow Knows, his wisdom beyond his Metal Years, The Sorcerer and Keeper of The Turntable Garrard, his platters of Icon and Maiden beset upon it's plate.
Where She-warrior Kiki Chrome reigns supreme from Altars of Chrome on the outerbanks of her soul fifidom, New Zealand or Nova Scotia or wherever the hell it is, defending the noble name, Sir Brett Michaels, to the Metal Death.
Where The Lady Xandra fights for the righteous place of Metal Honour of all she defends, be it Coverdale or be it Matos!
Where KixRules... RULES!
Where Brian C. doth speaketh the Metal Truth (99% of the time) and maketh me an April Foolith every month of the year with his sarcastic statements of Metal Grandeur.
Where Mewizemagic enlights and delights with his Metal Magical Wizdom!
Where Looksthatkill kills all Metal Pretenderz who attempt to storm the Gates of Glam!
Where Metal Masters Sir Roy, Sir Skwint, Sir Snoot, Sir Steve, Sir Glen, Sir Gary, Ms. Mom2Ross, and all of The Council for The Cauldron keep The Flames of Metal stoked and guideth thou Neophyte, Metalboy! of the Legions of Metal Bands Untold.
Where Prince Kenny O fortells the greatness of bands new and old and findeth the hidden gold of The Golden Cockroach and bestoweth that knowledge upon thee!
Where I, Metalboy! of silver sequined unitard and cape of chain linketh of fence, avoweth my undying loyalty to defendeth The Kingdom of Glam Metal and all that serve the Queen Allyson, to the death and slayeth all that soundeth of Slayer and prayeth on my sword at the Altar of all who soundeth as Pretty as Thy Floyd!
Let The Be Rocketh Forevereth!
Let There Be Rocketh Forevereth!
Another fix of a typo, tho y'all probably got it anyway...
"...Pretty as thy Boy Floyd!"
p.s. Hats off to Nikki666, Jack and Bob, and anyone I may have forgotten, too. All of you always as good as many a commentor and opinionator on BBG!, and for all the great recommendations, too! And, Al, what can I say, besides all the great Metal Wisdom, my collection, too, wouldn't be the same without you and all who have given me Metal tips and set me straight! Cheerz to many a Glam Metal FOURtnight evermore!
p.s.s.t. I guess both Shakespeare and Beethoven are rolling over now! Rocketh Oneth!