I'd Like These 3 Bands to Reunite (You Know, Like Now)

Which band would you like to see reunite - beyond Guns n' Roses? I throw GnR in there early because I know everyone will say "Original GnR!" but I want some more creativity in this thread today.
There are literally tons of bands that could reunite with original members, and most will never happen for all sorts of reasons. Still, we can dream. I have a few choice reunion wishes, and some of them may surprise you. They include:
Queensryche with Chris DeGarmo
Van Halen (no disrespect to Wolfgang, but I want Michael Anthony!)
Skid Row
Now, the chances all three of my wishes ever happening are about as likely as Axl Rose calling up Slash for a golf date and a late lunch. Basically, it ain't gonna happen folks. Still, can you imagine? Better yet, let's get Queensryche, Van Halen and Skid Row to reunite...and perform one big concert together! How wild would that be? Sebastian Bach, David Lee Roth and Geoff Tate could all sing some weird cover at the end of the show. I think that would be awesome...the thing memories are made of!
Can you tell I'm feeling wacky on this winter Monday?
[As an aside, can I just say I think that someday we will see a Skid Row reunion? I can't believe that Sebastian Bach will never sing with the original lineup again...even if it is just for a special one-off show. I just worry that when/if it does happen, we'll all be under whelmed].
Here's an awesome live version of "18 and Life" from 1991:
Reader Comments (29)
Maybe if Sebastian went back to Skid Row, they would start writing some good music again. I personally think he is better off without them. If he can get his head out of Axl's rear end.
1. Van Halen with Michael Anthony and either Dave or Sammy on vocals - Say what you want about the original lineup (I'm a DLR guy) but the Sammy lineup was just as solid. They need Anthony though, Wolfgang may be a Van Halen by name but that's it.
2. Rainbow - Obviously this can't happen with the 70s lineup with Dio passing away but the Joe Lynn Turner era was very good. JLT still has one of the smoothest voices in Rock.
3. Cinderella - OK they are on hiatus again so they might not have officially broken up but let's get together and put out a new record. STILL CLIMBING was in 1994 and they haven't done much except a few summer tours. I know there were legal issues with Sony but that was 11 years ago.
One more band.....
4. Damn Yankees - Great band, saw them open for Bad Company in 1990.....great show, great two records.
Heavy Metal Addiction
1) Pure nostalgia trips; oldies acts doing pale imitations (or, possibly, even good ones) of their 20- to 30-year-old back catalogue.
2) Trying to do the same thing with new songs. Iron Maiden is a great example from this past year, but Chinese Democracy is in the same boat. Despite general critical agreement that their golden years are gone, they soldier on with new stuff, and the new stuff ain't bad, but people seem to think it isn't quite on the same level as the old stuff.
Does anybody really need either of these things from Van Halen, or Skid Row, or Queensryche? I could have lived without "Chinese Democracy" just fine, after all -- I mean, it wasn't bad, but after 3 separate listens, I still can't bring any of it back just from memory, while every single track of Appetite for Destruction is indelibly etched in my brain. Is this just a function of what stage of my life I was in when I heard each album? I don't think so.
What I want is heavy music made in THIS day and age by new artists. I don't mean retro acts, either -- re-thrash (Havok, Warbringer, etc.), NWOBHM worshippers (Holy Grail, White Wizzard, Enforcer) and neo-glam (Crashdiet, Hardcore Superstar, etc.) are all fine, but they're mostly imitative. The closest I've seen to a new heavy music movement is the djent phenomenon, by which I mean not the Meshuggah guitar tone but the multiple, mostly DIY, mostly instrumental and internet-based acts -- think Cloudkicker, Tre Watston, etc. -- that have been around, in some cases, for nearly a decade, but have really started to proliferate in the past couple of years. And so this is where my ears have been, heavy music-wise, for the past few months.
It ain't glam, but then none of those reunited acts would match what I was hearing in the 80's and 90's either. Hold onto those old tracks and listen to them all you want, but otherwise, I advise you to let it go.
White Lion (Vito is one of the most melodic guitarists on the face of the earth and a personal favorite of this old bastard!)
I ain't getting old. Maybe I got a few more wrinkles and an extra ten pounds on my butt but Old is a state of mind and I refuse to be "old".
Secondly, I just can't relate to new young bands. Sorry. I still love the old stuff and I think the guys that played the old stuff are still great and can still hold their own. I've seen Cinderella, Scorprions, Judas Priest, Whitesnake, Def Leppard and Poison over the last year and they were just as good as they ever were. Yes, they're not 25 anymore and neither am I but they still know how to rock.
I agree with a lot of what M says but not all of it. I don't believe we have to get old, and wrinkles and fat are not impediments to having a great time.
Savatage - which might happen next year (at least to some extent)
Little Angels - that won't happen which breaks my heart
Dam Yankees - I want to see them live so badly
And Conception of course. At least for some more gigs please. :)
White Lion would be awesome, but Vito is a psycho so... I would enjoy a reunion of Freak Of Nature a lot more. :D
It all depends on your definition of "getting old". The march of time is inexorable, so in an absolute sense, none of us is cheating that. But to me, "getting old" doesn't mean holding onto those old bands. I consider that "growing old gracefully", (when it's actually done gracefully, that is). I will truly feel old only when I don't "get" all of those "new young bands". When my little nieces and nephews, to say nothing of my daughters, finally come up with something that just seems like noise to me, I know it'll time to pack it in.
Also, a lesser known but very cool band, Saraya would be nice to see.
Also Pink Floyd with Roger Waters would be great.