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Trixter Added to Rock n' America

Rock n' America has announced Trixter will play the inaugural fest. I'm not sure of the day yet as it isn't listed on Pollstar.

If I'm remembering correctly, I've only seen Trixter live one time at that was at the second Rocklahoma as the major storm was blowing in. Their set was cut short but they were doing great until we all almost died.

Trixter is playing a few festivals this year beyond Rock n' America including M3 and the Great American Rib & Music Fest.

By the way, DJ Eddie Trunk will act as emcee at Rock n' America.

Reader Comments (10)

"What do Eddie Chump, Hixter, Snott Noteven of Anhax, Pill Appallins and Myself Have In Common?

Ho!, man!

This is killarious!

Forget what I even think about Trixter (oh, okay, so I admit I have a couple of "guilty pleasure" cuts by them in a few iTunes mixes primarily for archival purposes only... "One In A Million"? Puleez! Stab me with a frickin' tip of one of those dude's from Texas Hippie Coalition's Dean Guitars now!).

Just when I was lovin' everything about this festival, they gotta go and junk it up with Unrock Eddie Chump, who knows nothing about or cares nothing about anything remotely Glam Metal.

This is the guy who claimed on "That Metal Show" that Cinderella wasn't Glam Metal, for Chrissakes! That is denial and a backhanded show of lack of respect for our favorite genre!

He also belittled one of Judas Priest's finest efforts, "Turbo" on the show, as "too commercial" (code: Glam Metal).

He's just constantly trashing our subgenre at every opportunity he gets, plain and simple.

As much as I love/hate the show and get a kick out of his sidekicks who literally save this guy every Saturday night, Chump is annoying and will just be an absolute buzz killer in between sets, unless of course he's smart enuff to bring out those two characterz, Don & Jim to prop him up.

Now all I need is for the announcement Anthrax will be added to the bill. Yeah, I know, they're "playing" Europe, thank the Metalgawdz, tho I don't wish anything bad on our European friends... but I wouldn't put it past 'em to pull a "Phil Collins", when in 1985, Collins hopped the Concorde right after "playing" (code: "annoying") Live Aid at Wembley Stadium in London and flew over to help "ruin" (code: "ruin") Led Zeppelin's set here in the States at JFK Stadium in Philly. Page was havin' enuff trubbles rememberin' the songs without Collins barging in on these guys (there's a story to this on the web, btw, as evidenced by the existence of two drummers on the stage -- see it on YouTube, if you've never checked it out... phew... the worst set by Zep ever filmed, (Poor Bonham had passed away 5 years before this), and this joik Collins wasn't helpin' any, for real.

Wanna read somethin' funny? -- read the Chapter devoted to Phil Collins in Brett Easton Ellis' "American Psycho", but DO NOT READ the rest of this book as it is, bar none, some of the most hideous, mind-numbing, super creepiest and grossest stuff ever typed on a page. It's garbage.

Except for the Phil Collins Chapter. Killarious (well, in the case of this book, that's a little on this one world description is overly literal side). Seriously, do not read this book beyond the Phil Collins stuff (the Whitney Houston and Hewey Lewis passages are just as funny, however)... It makes the movie starring Christian Bale seem like it's a Disney picture.

This may be the only good reason for not wanting the Concorde anymore. Even a sonic boom from one of those things sounded alot better than anything thoze clownz Anthax can uncrank out, and it was a helluva lot shorter in length, time-wise, too! ("Got The Time"? No.)

Hey, ending on a high note (sorry 'bout that kidz), have y'all ever seen the footage of Black Sabbath and Priest playin' in the mornin' at Live Aid? Killer. YouTube it, if you've never seen it or would like the opportunity to wanna relive it...

p.s. This guy Chump is totally knowledgeable of even the remotest trivia when it comes to anything that he deems to be "legit" Metal, but pick his brain about Faster Pussycat or Sleez Beez, etc. and he'll draw a complete and absolute blank... Are there any VIP tix left? I'd fork out the xtra bux, if I had 'em, just to heckle the guy (in the most subtlest of ways, natch), if it weren't for the fact that I'd risk being more annoying to the audience than he is (can't you already tell, hahaha???), seriously!
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Oops! I'm sure there's other typos or perceived typos or, shall we say, "free-form uses of the English language" in my above post, but I forgot the "T" in "Anthax" in the title of my comments (tho I did purposely forget the "R" in "Anthax" some of you "legit" Metallerz would prefer because of your undying devotion to that particular group of "Metal-like Stylists"). See? I'm almost as big a hack as Snott Noteven (note, I said "almost"... hahaha!!!)... Apologies...

And, while we're in second-guessing mode, wouldn't it have been more pithy of me to simply state "now that Eddie Trunk is MC-ing this festival, I simply must attend at all costs!"

I'm afraid it might be a little too late for this "kid" to be pithy... sheez'n'sleaze!

p.s. No, I'm not drunk. But I gotta get away from this frickin' computer. Yikes! Now I have to do a PowerPoint! It wouldn't be so bad if I could make it about "The Virtues of Glam Metal"... Ladies and Gentlemen, but I digress!
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I agree Trunk is a tool and was the only thing about Rocklahoma 1 & 2 that I did not enjoy. I was unable to attend last minute last year so I am no 100% positive he was there. What they need to do is shell out a little more cash for a great MC like Dee Snider or Alice Cooper who both have successful radio shows.

Trixters ROK2 performance was great, and I am not a fan of theirs in the least. I commend them for taking on the tornado winds and trying to complete their set. ROK officials pulled the plug worried about everyones safety.

I may attend Rock-n-America this year and will enjoy their show for sure. They are high energy and sound great live, even though I really don't know their music.
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterreptileblvd
Another M3 band...give me M3's one day lineup at Merriweather in June over RNA's 3 day festival in Oklahoma during the end of July any day!
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKixRules
Well, I for one LOVE Trixter!!!!! Watching the "One in A Million" video took me back to my high school days. :) I got to see them open for the Scorpions back in the day and again a few years later at McGuffy's. Now I'm going to see them at the Great American Rib & Music Fest in Cleveland and I'm SO excited!
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristine Sixx
Saw Trixter this weekend at Melodic Rock Fest. The band was great, but the singer CAN NOT sing. Forget that his voice was always a little suspect, but now, every thing that required a little range, he either held the mic out for the crow, or took a sip of his drink. Don't get your hopes up Trixter fans.
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGEO II
Lots of humor and nostalgia in this post, starting with Allyson mentioning that terrible storm during Trixter's Rocklahoma set in 2008 where "...we almost died". It's true - that storm came literally out of nowhere, and then it seemed like the gates of hell were opening. - And I went through 3 out the 4 major hurricanes that swept through FL during the past decade!

Also loved Metalboy making a Live Aid analogy wherein Scott "Noteven" (love it!) will fly across the pond to play in some USA festivals like Phil Collins did in 1985. You know, I give Phil a lot of credit for that. He could've sat back in London choking down the lagers, but he hopped on the Concorde (still a 4-5 hr. trip), and played with Clapton (he did okay there), his own solo set again, and with the reunited Zeppelin. Now if he would've just introduced Page, Plant, Jones, et al. and hustled off the stage, that would've been fine, but NOOOOO, he had to "sit in" as well. Nevermind that the Zep reunion already had Tony Thompson on drums - a very capable funk/rock drummer who had actually practiced with Zep a couple of times. Poor Phil was out of his league, and looked confused most of the time. Now I'm not saying Phil is a bad drummer; quite the contrary, I think he's a decent rock drummer. But sorry Phil: a long day + long flight across the Atlantic + playing w/ Clapton and a solo set = disaster for the Zep reunion. I do think Page and Plant were a little selfish in not allowing their performance on the official DVD several years back. Sure, technically it was rough. But hey, 50+ other acts had no sound check either. It was basically, "Go play for your alloted 15-20 minutes, and then get the hell off the stage!" But taken for what it was (i.e. the first time Zeppelin played together in 5 years), it wasn't completely horrible. Definitely the most anticipated set of the entire day, and there were a lot of heavy hitters on that bill. Plus, the cause was important as well. I remember, as I had the TV on from 7 AM until well after midnight. I don't think I missed more than 15 minutes at any given time during the day. In hindsight, I should've been there, but being as I just turned 16, I don't think the parents would've gone for paying for a flight to Philly and a couple of nights in a hotel...

And by the way, Sabbath and Priest both ruled that day as well, although putting the Sabbath/Ozzy reunion on at 10 AM right after Billy Ocean was a little unfair. But hey, even in light of internal bad blood and lawsuits, they still killed. Look for it on YouTube - you'll initially laugh at the fat, drug-addled Ozzy from 1985. Yet even though I kid, Sabbath's performance holds up 'til this day. Judas Priest's too. They were clad head-to-toe in leather, and it was upwards of 100 degrees at that time! Even the insipid mtv V-J's showed some respect for Priest. Hell, I even remember Halford seemingly hitting on Martha Quinn backstage in one clip. Who knew?!?

Sorry to write an encyclopedia here, but I know a ton of useless Live Aid stuff. Because of that show, I made sure I personally attended as many Woodstock's, Lollapalooza's, Ozzfest's, and the first 2 Rocklahoma's over the next 25 years. Good times, and some great shows.
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGator
Hey, Gator!

Glad to see someone else rattling on here with this one besides me.

Very good insights. I'll push the Zep/Collins thing a little further... He did not help the situation at all, for sure. They practiced with Tony Thompson and tho they still might have been rough, they would have probably done a little better with just him.

Collins intentions stopped being about Live Aid and became more about him and he wound up ruining it even more for Zep and all of their fans all over the world. What a joik! His zealousness of barging into their set just added to their overall lack of tightness.

Plus, Plant's voice was shot and Page was the sloppiest he's ever been captured on film, tho the Atlantic Records Reunion was back when was a close second. Also the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame thing with Neil Young was a shambles. I think that's a big reason the 2007 Reunion went down. It redeemed him and them.

Back to Live Aid... Page looks positively trashed during Zep's Live Aid set, to be honest. I believe Zep didn't want this on the official DVD because it was a total embarrassment

Qzzy and Priest killed at Live Aid, for sure. And you bring up an interesting detail. I had heard that Ozzy's management (Sharon's company then, too!) had just slapped lawsuits on the other members of Sabbath right before they went on stage!

That is so crazy, I'm still not sure that's entirely accurate.

I, too, had Live Aid on TV, but my ex-lead guitarist and I were videotaping it from the first moment on. We were all hangin' at my friend's house by his pool overlooking the South River in Annapolis, Maryland. I remember it was hot as hell and we were drinkin' our fair share of brewski's all day and runnin' back and forth to check on the videotaping. Our eyes were glued for Sabbath and Priest, however, as well as Clapton.

Our cable blanked out for the Who, however. which was a major buzz killer. I still can't remember if that was the live satellite feed from Wembley shutting down or what it was, and you gotta remember something, kidz, back then there was no internet and consequently no one knew what the hell was going on half the time.

And, Gator, love the bit about Halford hittin' on Martha Quinn, one of the original VG's on MTV. What a memory you have!

p.s. Hey, Gator. I forgot if I asked you this before... You comin' to M3?

p.s.s.t. Sorry to beat so bad on Hixter but trust me, these guys are milktoast poseurs, I don't care how proficient they are with their instruments or how well they sing, their songs are absolutely heartless and commercial pablum! But hey, they could headline Snorefest 2K10 sponsored by Lazyboy and Sealy Posturepedic!
May 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Great reflections, Metalboy. Some of your memories of Live Aid rival my own! I'm glad a good part of it was finally released on DVD years ago, although many artists are omitted completely, and there's no backstage footage whatsoever. I still have 10+ hours on videotape buried somewhere, so there are a lot of things I do remember.

I hear what you're saying about our boy Phil Collins, but I do believe he did the 'crossover Atlantic stunt' to draw attention to the cause, even though it did smack a bit of self-promotion. But there's no doubt he 'ruined' the Led Zep reunion, although as you mentioned, Page was also pretty high, and the overall effort seemed a bit sloppy from the get-go. But I didn't care: my 16-yr old self was still impressed seeing Rock & Roll, Whole Lotta Love, and especially Stairway to Heaven live, even if it was only 3/4 of the original lineup, and certainly rough around the edges...

But back to Sabbath and Priest. Even though I was barely a budding 'metalhead' at the time, I was impressed with both performances. When I initially heard that Ozzy was a later addition to the bill, I expected to hear Crazy Train or Flying High Again. When I saw that it was actually Sabbath, I was surprised, but grateful to hear Iron Man and Paranoid. Only years later, thanks to the Internet, did I realize they opened with Children of the Grave. Imagine turning on Live Aid hoping to see Madonna or Duran Duran and hearing Children of the Grave?? Hilarious.

It seems like when anyone reminisces about Live Aid, it's always about Led Zep, Queen, U2, David Bowie, Mick Jagger & Tina Turner, et al. Sure, these acts were great, but let's not forget Sabbath and Priest, the heaviest acts on the bill, and both being 'forced' to play early in the day...

Other tidbits: yes, the power fizzled out during the Who reunion, although I did get to see them close their set with a blistering Won't Get Fooled Again. I also recall in an interview after the Zep set that Plant was saying that Page was "nervous", i.e. high as the proverbial kite!

Now back to present day: I would absolutely love to hit the M3 show, and also to meet many of my fellow bring back glam friends. But alas, I am no longer working in management, so the funds have taken a severe decline this year. It looks like there will be no Rock 'N' America either, and that show looked a lot like the amazing Rocklahoma '07. Mostly glam favorites, and little filler!

Metalboy, you will have to have a cold one (or several!) for me at M3. Cheers.
May 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGator
Hey, Gator, I hear ya on tuff times. I'm feelin' it, too and hopefully we will continue to see some lift in the economy so we can "lift a few glasses", too! Cheerz, Gator and I'll see ya on here and maybe at one of the next showz comin'up next year, or so.

p.s. Yeah, tuff times! So far M3 is all I can swing but I wish I could see Rock'n'America and some of the other fests comin' up including Ship Rocked, Sweden Rock Festival, Rockstar's Wildside Festival and maybe Download, etc... Alas, no $$$...
May 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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