Something Different: Kopek

Check out this band, Kopek. The trio is Irish and there's definitely a cool vibe going on here. Their debut, White Collar Lies is available now. Some people are saying this band is alternative - I disagree. They just sound like rock to me.
Check out this clip for "Love is Dead."
Reader Comments (9)
And I live all the name checking...
Who is and who isn't dead...
Grunge is dead and Heavy Metal is not dead, according to these guyz! Frickin' awesome.
Okay, it is missing one thing, which they maybe even thought of and decided it would be too heavy handed...
They shoulda had one last tattoo drawing itself in at the end... and that would be one with the words, "The End" or "Fin" on the chick's a*s cheek!
And Rock and Roll is NOT Dead!
"Rock & Roll is dead" in the lyrics refers to no bands trying anything "new". If anything, KOPEK knows Rock 'N' Roll isn't dead! Daniel Jordan has a great personality to go along with his Hard Rockin' vocals... this band is going to be HUGE. Very HUGE.