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The Poison Tour Started...

...and the set list didn't change one bit. Poison kicked off their tour the other day in Tupelo, Mississippi. Here's what they played:

Look What the Cat Dragged In
I Want Action
Ride the Wind
We're An American Band
Something to Believe In
Your Mama Don't Dance
Guitar Solo
Fallen Angel
Unskinny Bop
Drum Solo
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Talk Dirty To Me
Nothin' But a Good Time

It will be interesting to see if Motley Crue honestly takes their fan votes into account regarding their set for their American tour with Poison. Something tells me Motley will have the same set they always do, just like Poison. More power to them if people keep paying good money to hear the same things over and over. Personally, I think just one rare song from both Motley and Poison would make the tour that much better.

Who here is surprised by the Poison set list?

Now here's video from that kick-off Poison show. I've gotta admit, the band sounds good:

Reader Comments (24)

And, Rich!

Yeah, Stryper played all of their hits, and other people's, too!

Huh-uh-lo-oh!... The Covering!

I mean, duz Poison really need to play "We're An American Band" when they've got so many of their other originals to choose from? Let Michaels keep the LCD stuff confined to his solo career...

Let Pioson ROCK OUT like they're supposed to!

Play Dirty!

Next time, don't make untrue, grandiose statements about "hits", etc., like the typical Tea Partier that you obviously are! Get your facts straight!
May 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
11 songs.....just about the same set in the same order (So what they put back ride the wind in their set, and they threw in We're An American Band). Should I be surprised at this? NO! Yet, I'm disappointed in this set as its obvious they are doing the same songs they will play on the Crue tour in their own headlining shows. WHY BOTHER to spend my money to drive and see a headlining show and pay for a high priced ticket when its obvious the band just doesn't give a crap anymore. I'm over fighting this battle, it's a total lost cause!
May 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari
Metalboy, your set list suggestions are STRONG! There is NO EXCUSE why Poison couldn't have opened the Anniversary Tour with the first songs off their first three albums. HELL, that alone would have SHAKEN it all up and then they could have played the rest as is. They know what ppl say, they have read it a million times. Truth of the matter is that they refuse to change it up. I'd pay three times as much for a RARITES set! I've traveled ALL OVER the US for this band since 1999 and just heartbroken at this point. I'm tired of bands playing to the ppl who only own the greatest hits cd's.
Do my eyes light up every time I see POISON on stage though, HELL YES THEY DO! It's just disheartening to have so much love, passion and faith in a band when its so obvious they, themselves could care less!

I think what is sadder is that they are only playing 11 songs on a headlining show! 11 SONGS!!! Truly Pathetic! I've lost all respect for this band unfortunately.
May 31, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari
yeah these bands need to start changing things up a bit! They've been doing the same set lists for 10 years now!
June 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Sexy Armpit

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