Ozzy 30th Anniversary Box Set - Anyone Buying?

Who here is getting the Ozzy Osbourne 30th anniversary box set? These remasters are the "definitive" versions of the Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman albums with better sound and previously unreleased bonus tracks. You can get the albums individually or as a special box set. The legacy edition of Diary of a Madman includes a bonus CD of previously unreleased live performances, featuring Randy Rhoads.
The big box set comes complete with remastered vinyl and CD editions of Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman and lots more including a 100 page coffee table book, poster and DVD among other things.
Here's some footage from the DVD in the deluxe box set called Thirty Years After the Blizzard. It is truly great quality.
In case you are wondering, all this awesomeness doesn't come cheap. Looks like the deluxe set is $150 bucks. Check out photos, a full track listing and order through Ozzy's MyPlay Direct site.
Reader Comments (15)
It made a much more serious fan out of me, particularly of Randy Rhoads, who I now count among the greatest guitarists that ever lived, right up there with Page and Hendrix, seriously!
I will get the box and if there's anything not on it that's on the Legacy Edition of "Diary", I'll get that, too! I saw lots of ads for all of it over the weekend on Metal Mania.
I also saw a companion limited edition Ozzy Picture Sleeve 45 at THE Greatest Record Store in Florida, Rock'n'Roll Heaven!
When my house burnt down a few years ago, some of the only things that survived outside of US was some of my memorabilia (not all mind you BUT...)and the autographed pic and passes were some of those that made it...God DOES love rock n roll!!!
Sorry, went on a MetalBoy! rant there hahahahaha.Its just that Randy was a guitar genius, but more importantly he was one of the good guys!
Lmao @ SweetLou w/ the MetalBoy! rant.
I'll be getting my hands on these remastered cd's, you betcha!
BOTH ARE JUST BRILLIANT MASTERPIECES! Song after song, just incredible!
Like you guys I grew up with Randy but my favorite quote about him is from Lemmy. He said that he has never known anyone that has gotten so much better after they died. Plus he slept with Sharon that takes him down a couple notchs for me.
Bob, you are so right! It's an outrage. Would it really be such a big deal to mention them? Sharon & Co. are probably afraid to mention it for fear of having to face lawsuits or some b.s. which I wouldn't anticipate from the Kerslake/Daisley camp.
Ozzy shoulda put his foot down and included them and if there are any pictures from the recording sessions of those guys, a shot or two would have been nice to include in the liner notes and book.
AND I don't agree with Lemmy (tho, it can be true for some) and Scott Whitt. I never really listened to the Ozzy stuff over and over again until now and I'm amazed at how great Rhoads is.
Randy Rhoads is right up there with the Guitar Cognecenti...
Hendrix, Page, Beck, Clapton, Zappa, Allman, Betts, Van Halen, May, Schenker and ____________. (Please remind me who I forgot, I'm a little phased in the A.M., hahaha!!!).
Yeah, of the 80's players, you got Satriani, Vai, Malmsteen, Gilbert, Hoffman (as much as I love him), etc., but to me, they're ALL just technicians.
Rhoads had that little something extra that you can't quite put your finger on (but he can!) only the greats possess.
p.s. Sweet Lou! Thanks for the "compliments". Sheeez!!! For real, make fun of me if you will, but I just wanted to thank you for your great stories about Rhoads and yourself. So cool. What a class guy he was. Why did he ever get in that plane! Ozzy's face says it all when he's shown in the doc listening to the lost outtakes of Randy playing classical guitar. What a waste! I will say "Hi" to Dave at Rock'n'Roll Heaven. Do you know Freddy and Ray?
p.s.s.t. Kari! You are right. It is cool VH1 aired the doc in question. But, it happened because it's P.R. to sell the box set. Sharon knows her audience, er, rather, Ozzy's audience. My disappointment with VH1 Classic's Metalmania Weekend was the fact that they ate up so much time with muliple airings of "Rock Star". That movie is ridiculously HORRIBLE and gives Heavy Metal a bad name (like it already duzn't have one in "mainstream" circles). VH1 shoulda aired their entire Archives of Metal vids without repeats the entire weekend. A friend of mine who's an editor there says they have ALL the stuff in the vaults. They really DO NOT understand the viewer AT ALL! That's because the people in power are a bunch of keypunchers and analysts who do not care about the music and the fans. The people who do care over there do not have enough power to play what they know will be truly appreciated by the audience. LCD! There I go again, Lou...
p.s. You are the one who first made me aware of the crime committed against Kerstlake and Daisley.
How could I forget Jake E. Lee! And Tipton! You are right! They are right up there! And I think they've got that "little something extra" only they can put their finger on.
Thing is, I think Rhoads had a tad bit more in him than those guys, as great as they are. Part of that may be that Jake E. Lee has to live with the stigma of following in Rhoads footsteps but his solo stuff and also with Badlands shows how killer he is.
AND according to DiMartini, (another formidal 80's player who I think goes beyond the technical) when he appeared on "That Metal Show", Lee helped Robbin Crosby (primary contributor, though he's not hear to defend himself. R.I.P.) and DiMartini craft the material for Ratt's "Out Of The Cellar" in a blazing marathon 3-day now legendary jam session!
Oh, to have been a fly on the wall for that one.
Also, as far as Tipton goes, he certainly had an influence on all the 80's players both in songwriting and axe slinging, no question. In many ways, he was there first.
p.s. The other killers are coming back to me... Huh-uh-lo-oh! Ritchie "Never Misses A Note" Blackmore and Toni Iommi! Where is my brain?! Wait, nobody answer that!
Whoever thought one could commit blasphemy against Black Sabbath, but I just did!
p.s. Damn P! Talked to the boyz at Rock'n'Roll Heaven -- two hilarious brothers named Freddy and Ray plus another dude, Bill, own the place now. Ray said the legendary Dave sold 'em the place years ago. But, not to worry, these guys are just as legendary! Just try to get Freddy to sell you his Motley Crüe "Shout At the Devil" era action figure set (still in the box!) and you'll see what I mean!