'Tears Are Falling'

I can't explain it, but for some reason I like the no make-up cheesy KISS better than the classic KISS. My hunch is that it has to do with my age. I was too young to really remember KISS in makeup and their mid-career resurgence was basically brought about thanks to MTV. The mere fact that MTV existed even gave the band a shot at a career without make-up. So, while Paul Stanley is completely mugging like a goofball for the camera without his Starchild pancake, I love it. I like the Asylum album in general. I know "Tears are Falling" wasn't a big hit, but then that's me: always liking what others loathe.
Do you think Paul still has those yellow gloves? I think my favorite part of the "Tears Are Falling" video are the giant shoulder pads. I mean, Gene Simmons looks like he's dressed for Friday night lights. Cue Paul: spirit fingers!
Reader Comments (14)
But for pure music, I would also take the non-make up version. Songs are just plain better. As for my personal favorite, I'd probably have to roll with I Just Want To Forget You or Domino....
Simply put, you love "Heaven's on Fire," "Tears are Falling" (and probably many others from that era) because they're GREAT songs! And it's refreshing to read the comments from this post of others who also appreciate the 80s Kiss era.
To be honest, even as a staunch old school Kiss freak, I agree that "Asylum" is one of their all-time best. Actually, I thought their videos from that era were a lot of fun too.
Thanks for the great topic.
I then went and bought Lick It up. From there on..they have always been my co-favorite band. Motley and Kiss. Every chance I could, I would go see them in concert and each time was amazing.
some of my fav non make up songs are "All Hell's Breakin Loose" "Uh, All Night" "Crazy nights"
I do believe, however, that their best Album from this era is Revenge. Not Doubt.
Sonic Boom is awesome, but it is basically Kiss in Makeup writing songs that have the NON make up style.
I'm with NC Rocker!
As much as I love the 80's non-make-upped stuff (I even have more of it on my iTunes than I do their 70's make-up era music), I still gotta stick with the 70's over the 80's make-up period.
True, Kiss' 80's power ballad trilogy, if you will, "Tears Are Falling", "Reason To Live" and "Forever" are totally killer, along with 80's era hits and standout tracks, "Crazy Crazy Nights", "Lick It Up", "Unholy", "All Hell's Breakin' Loose" (with ya, there, Brian L!), "Everytime I Look At You", "Let's Put The X in Sex" and their awesome cover of Argent's "God Gave Rock And Roll To You" as acknowledged testimony to their MTV fueled 80's success, it's Kiss' 70's stuff that is their crowning achievement.
All you have to do is listen to their seminal album, "Destroyer", to realize that. And, huh-uh-lo-oh! "Rock And Roll All Night"!... let alone the really hardcore stuff before that from their first album and "Hotter Than Hell".
To be honest, their later stuff, though I love it and definitely appreciate the songwriting, is really more AOR, with the exception of the rockers, of course, whereas the earlier stuff is just plain more ROCK and ROLL!