In Honor of Irene: Songs About Hurricanes (and Storms)

Hurricane Irene is bearing down on the east coast this weekend and I hope all my friends are safe! While I'm in Ohio and not really impacted by Irene, I've still got hurricanes on my mind (remember, I've said before that I am a weather junkie... just like Bret Michaels). I decided to create a top 10 hurricane songs play list just for the occasion (it's a bit of dark humor, no offense here people) and these songs are in no order:
10: Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpions
09. Like a Hurricane - Roxy Music
08. Riders on the Storm - The Doors
07. Rainy Days and Mondays - The Carpenters (yes, I like the Carpenters. They rule actually)
06. Goodnight Irene - Lead Belly (obviously this song only works for this current hurricane)
05. Ridin' the Storm Out - REO Speedwagon
04. When The Levee Breaks – Led Zeppelin
03. Water's Rising - Lillian Axe
02. Hurricanes and Suns - Tokio Hotel
01. November Rain - Guns n' Roses
So that's my (basically) diverse play list to entertain myself for an hour while I wait for the TV networks to continually refresh and revamp their live hurricane coverage. You've got your metal, your pop, your classic rock and blues. What more do you need?
Reader Comments (18)
The rock station here in Cincy plays the Doors "Riders" every time it rains. I'm so sick of that song.
10.) "Eye Of The Storm" by Smashed Gladys
9.) "Raging Storm" by W.A.S.P.
8.) "Calm Before The Storm" by Arcade
7.) "Dark And Stormy" by Orion The Hunter
6.) "Ridin' The Storm Out" - REO Speedwagon
5.) "Racing The Wind" by Loudness
4.) "The Storm" by Savatage
3.) "Hurricane In My Heart" by Never-Never
2.) "Calm Before The Storm" by Keel
1.) "Messin' With A Hurricane" by Hurricane
How about Neil Young's "Like a Hurricane?"
And BTW, you're absolutely right. The Carpenters most certainly do rule!
The track that came to mind was "4 feet high and rising" by Johnny Cash