Sweden Rock Festival Review: Day 3

After the great second day of Sweden Rock Festival, day three had some expectations to live up to. Especially Twisted Sister, after Dee Snider's great performance with Sebastian Bach the night before. And the day for me was mainly about Twisted Sister as well. Yes, it was fun seeing Ugly Kid Joe and yes, Motörhead played a really awesome show, but it was Twisted Sister I was waiting for. And they made the wait worthwhile.
Twisted Sister had the final show of the day at the main stage. The weather wasn’t that great yesterday, but when it was time for Twisted Sister the rain had stopped. And if anyone was cold, it was about to change. Although it started out pretty slow. After a really long intro song, the band hit the stage. They played a few songs and then there was a bit of confusion. Dee was about to present the next song, and it sounded like this: ”We went back to 'Under The Blade...' No, we went ahead... No? (Crowd laughing) F--k, it’s only our second show, give me a break! Now I remember, we’ve never done this one live before!” And then they kicked of ”Wake Up The Sleeping Giant.” Not my favorite, but it was nice hearing the crowd sing a long. After that they really got the show started with ”I Believe In Rock n' Roll” followed by ”You Can’t Stop Rock n' Roll.” The crowd got going and it went on from there. All of the hits everyone wanted to hear, and a lot of love from Twisted Sister to Sweden. Great, great show!
Very short report from yesterday as there are too many great bands playing today so it’s hard being stuck by the computer. Tonight is Mötley Crue and I can’t wait to tell you all about it tomorrow!
Reader Comments (8)
I did get to hear it live a couple times though, when Dee toured solo before the reunion, and on the tour for the LIFS album (so, they have actually played it before as a band, just a really long time ago).
I remember the 1st time hearing Twisted, and it was lonnng before they had a record deal. A friend & I drove for L.A. to Las Vegas to see Judas Priest in May of 1980, & on the way there, he pops in a cassette of a WLIR radio broadcast of a club show by this amazing New York bar band, "Twisted Sister".(how many unsigned bar bands get live radio concerts?) Anyhow, I was blown away by how GOOD these guys were! Hearing "I'll Never Grow Up,Now!" & "Bad Boys Of Rock & Roll" that first time, I was dumbfounded at how much those lyrics spoke to me. I HAD to see this band in person, and then my friend said, "Wait til you see what they look like"... He showed me the homemade cassette cover w/ a photo of the band each member coming out of a bathroom stall - Oh hell yeah! I had to see this outrageous metal-glam monster!
Less than 3 months later, 2 friends & I flew to New York & caught Twisted Sister's act live at 3 different clubs, a dump in Staten Island called "The Rockaway", the legendary "L'Amour's", then out to New Jersey for the SMF End of Summer "Cure For the Summertime Blues" bash at the Fountain Casino. These guys KILLED every time they hit the stage, & usually it was four sets a night! One life-changing experience, & some of the best rock performances I ever saw... and then YEARS later, they got big. I'm glad I brought a camera along to capture it!
Please, ACE -- Please go back -- yep, the concept of Bring Back Glam (!) in action on the site itself -- about 5 Posts ago to one Al just did titled: "Just Because It's Awesome: Cheap Trick and Bon Jovi Together".
The Post features rare footage of an All-Star-Jam filmed LIVE on December 26th, 1988 at the Universal Amphitheater in Los Angeles, California featuring Bon Jovi plus additional ultra-rare clips of Cheap Trick, Whitesnake (with Coverdale on lead vocals) performing ZZ Top's "Tush" and Cheap Trick and Crüe (with Vince Neil on lead vocals) doin' the Elvis hit, "Jailhouse Rock".
It's clearly one of THE single most greatest Posts Allyson has ever put up on this site yet it came and went virtually unnoticed with little fanfare!
Stop the Modern Rock Insanity and save Glam Metal now, ACE! I am appealing to you personally, our only REAL Hero of the Glam Genre all (ALMOST -- except the poseurs! -- you know who YOU are!) of us live for, to watch the footage and tell us your always honest opinion of it, up or down -- Do you know anything about it? Were you there? Do you know what telecast it was filmed for? It looks like some kind of live feed to a Music Awards Show of some kind. Any ideas? If you are unfamiliar with the footage, maybe one of your L.A. Boys might know it's origins. Please check it out!
If not, I may quit commenting once and for all!
p.s. Hear that Christian? I may quit commenting if not enough people don't Bring Back Glam (!) on this very site, and go back to Allyson's superb post on Cheap Trick and Bon Jovi, and you will, at last, be able to advance your agenda to permanently dilute the sole objective of this site to Bring Back Glam (!), and turn it into "Keep Modern Rock Alive" like BORING Nicklejoke! I am shocked YOU and others did not comment on that post originally! Your intentional silence is KILLING The Heart and Soul of this site: G-L-A-M M-E-T-A-L ! ! ! Huh-uh-lo-oh!!! Go ahead, "KILL METALBOY!", once and for all, you "Rock and Roll Murderer"! Nope, I will NOT back down until you go back and comment on those fabulous moments in our history Allyson knew was SO IMPORTANT to Post. Yet, you ignored it. What "Rock'n'Roll Blasphamy, this crime you have committed against Glam Metal!
Thank you for all the compliments! I will go back & comment.
I WISH Glam was still at the top of the music industry's attention span, and maybe someday it will get there again.
Know any good drummers? I'll be happay to take another swing at it.
And just for you, another Twisted Sister @ L'Amour's pic.