Geoff Tate Out of Queensryche

We all saw this coming: Geoff Tate and Queensryche have officially parted ways. This isn't surprising, with the public rift between Tate and the rest of Queensryche... and then the Queensryche band members forming what is basically a QR cover band called Rising West, featuring Crimson Glory singer Todd La Torre.
Now, La Torre is the lead singer of Queensryche.
The remaining members of Queensryche released this statement, announcing Tate's departure:
"Over the past few months, there have been growing creative differences within Queensryche. We want our fans to know that we hoped to find a common resolution, but in the end parting ways with Geoff was the best way for everyone to move forward in a positive direction. We wish him the best of luck with all of his future endeavors. We can't wait to bring Queensryche to our fans with Todd behind the microphone."
As you would expect, all previously scheduled Queensryche shows are on hold.
I'm a little surprised that Geoff is walking away from the Queensryche name, but all in all, this is probably best for all concerned. Geoff really wanted a solo career and the rest of 'Ryche wanted to take their music in another direction. So be it. It will be weird going to a Queensryche show without Geoff behind the mic, but I'll keep an open mind.
What do you think about the split?
Reader Comments (19)
I disagree with Kenny on Warrant. The new album isn't great, but Robert Mason can sing the old Warrant songs.
It was no secret backstage at Rocklahoma that Queensryche was playing their last show with Tate. All the bands were talking about it.
But this change might be good!
I will always love Jani Lane and maybe the other guy is a good singer, but he is not Jani, it's not the same. Jani was Warrant, for me anyway. They died when he did.
QR has been going non-stop for awhile, a break will do them good.
I did get into a bit of a controversy earlier--I knew that Tate was not an original member of the band when it formed. I have since been proven right. Rockenfeld, Wilton & Jackson are the last 3 of the original lineup from Seattle. So on a technicality, Tate might not have as much 'right' to the Queensryche name as most would believe.
And I did hear a video clip of the new guy singing. He was hitting the sound pretty close to Tate's voice, much like the latest Journey singer sounds so much like Steve Perry (who wasn't an original member of Journey, either...).
None of the bands you listed even included the vocalists from the classic line ups when they were formed. Many of the bands with newer members have put out releases with the new vocalist that are just as good as bands who push on with older washed up vocalists. I still say... who cares about the band name...? If they release something decent I will by it and that is the bottom line.
Now that Tate has left, maybe Quennsryche can leave, too. Like I've said before, I give 'em one song -- "Queen Of The Reich"!!!
As far as bands not matching their past glories, they should at least try. Case in point: RATT. "Infestation" is great! Poison and Cinderella should do get a clue and take a cue!