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I Curse You, Ylvis

The other day I heard that blasted song "The Fox" by comedy duo Ylvis while flipping channels. Now it is stuck in my head. In all seriousness, the song has a great club beat, but man... once it's stuck, you're screwed. So now I've doomed you, too! Not Glam, but I had to share. Happy Sunday!

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Reader Comments (8)

I agree. This is a horrible ear worm song. Once you hear it it digs deeper and deeper into your mind driving you crazy.
December 22, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterreptileblvd
I've never heard this song, and I resisted clicking the link (so far) Ally. Oh what the hell.....
December 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGary
December 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Haha!!, Gary!

Yeah, this is THE Worst Ever! So Annoying!

Check Youtube for the Saturday Night Live spoof.
December 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
This is just gross. It will probably be in my head for the rest of the day.
December 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDj
I have three kids under ten years. The oldest has seen KISS three times, Poison, and Def Leppard. They all like glam/rock, and this song, too. We have fun making up our own lyrics, like "what does a mom say? Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yipyip" but then it's in my head for at least a week. You should check out their cabin song on YouTube. It's hilarious, but don't watch it with your kids if they cannot hear piss and sh*t.
December 22, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
That's cool that you take your kids to those shows. My first was LA Guns, Sin City All Stars, and Slaughter. I was like seven. Doin the same with my brother. He's ten now and just saw Cooper and Manson.
December 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDj
December 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele

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