An Education In Class: Stage Fall Edition

Justin Hawkins of The Darkness fell off stage the other night while performing with the band in Stockholm, Sweden. I think the way Justin handled himself is pretty classy. I wish some other musicians would take note. Accidents happen to all of us, after all. I like that Justin kept right on singing. I actually doubt many people in the back of the venue even realize he'd made a "mistake." True class. I look forward to seeing The Darkness again in the future.
Reader Comments (4)
buttt if it was Axl Rose the fuckin tour woulda ended
Justin Hawkins is, indeed, the consummate professional and as Rita said, it's great to see he's seemed to have chased away his demons for good.
I'm kickin' myself I missed these guys in Orlando just a couple weeks back. If they're still touring The States later this year, I will try and catch 'em even if it means hitting one of the dates on the East Coast, again, if there are any.
p.s. Check out Al's previous post on here of the debut of The Darkness' video for their new "hit" single, "Everybody Have A Good Time". I figured out what makes these guys so great... They wear their influences on their sleeves -- Queen, AC/DC and Zeppelin. Sounds like a recipe for success, if you ask me. And for them, apparently, it is. Of course, it helps to write quality material -- something else Hawkins seems to do quite well these days -- no longer falling down in that department, either, as was what happened with their previous album. Get their new album, "Hot Cakes", if you haven't already. But go buy extra socks as the ones you're wearing now are going to get blown off.