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Larry King Interviews Steel Panther

I don't know how I missed this over the weekend, but good night. Larry King interviewed Steel Panther and it is pretty much exactly as you would expect. I have no idea how Steel Panther got hooked up with Larry King, but good for all parties involved. That's what we call brand expansion!

Reader Comments (1)

Don't know why there weren't comments given on this from the git go. Besides nobody caring about Larry King anymore, we're witnessing a truth-is-stranger-than-fiction Spinal Tap moment for Steel Panther, who nobody else cares about either.

Unless these a*sclowns come up with some incredible viral stunt or a more clever way to take their schtick to the next level, I wouldn't expect them to last much longer, honestly, making "The Last Supper" spoof album cover all the more prophetic.

p.s. Look, I get that it's L.A. but anyone else notice the work that's been done on these guys' faces (not Larry, obviously!), particularly the singer and bassist. Nice wigs, too.
March 19, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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