Tuesday Two-Fer, VIII: Twisted Sister

From our friend HIM
I think that Twisted Sister are one of the luckiest bar bands in the world. They had a sound. They had an idea. And they were lucky to have Snider there to carry that sound and idea across the finish line. Yes, French is the protector of the brand. But, without Snider, these strivers would likely have been relegated to a pub—British or American, wink—where the rest of us would never have known their greatness.
First Pick: “I Am (I’m Me),” You Can’t Stop Rock n’ Roll (1983):
To my mind, their first official release is also the best. It shows the fans what they really were doing before MTV figured it out for everyone else. And this song is their essential formula, sans the videos and sheen that made them, admittedly, a household name. All the ingredients are here.
Second Pick: “Wake Up (The Sleeping Giant),” Love Is For Suckers (1987):
Add a little keyboard and production by Beau Hill, some background vocals by Luke Perry (?!?!) and Kip Winger, and voila! Late career pants kicking rock. That they would diss this album is a shame. The parts are often better than the whole. And this is one of several songs that actually showed that Sister still had some life in them (even if they balked at having a solo Snider album branded with their name).
Honorable Mention: “The Kids Are Back,” You Can’t Stop Rock n’ Roll (1983):
Same as the first. Attitude. Anthemic. Awesome. This was the SMF that made the PMRC quake, no blade needed.
Reader Comments (8)
There is a reason Motorhead covered it
However, there’s no denying Snider has one helluva voice. I managed to see these guys twice POINT BLANK, including just a few years ago at M3 and was completely blown away by his vocals.
IMHO, their best album is Live At Hammersmith. Even though Snider talks way too much, every single song on there has been improved ten-fold from the studio version. They're all faster, heavier and more focused. Stay Hungry approaches thrash speed, and I still can't listen to the studio cut of I Am (I'm Me), because of how awesome the live cut is.
OH, and they’ve STILL got one of THE coolest band logos EVER!!!